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Mark Chapter 10


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Michael homan's Mark Chapter 10 comment about verse 44 on 10/28/2024, 10:17am...

story of Bartimeus has interesting parallels,reflecting when a person makes the move to know Jesus.

in the crowd of people,that are telling him to stop calling/reaching out,is likened to what the world does to people.

holding people back with all of its stuff. him taking off his cloak,would be like taking off the cloak of the world and disbelief

he Asked and Received his sight immediately...a new follower of Christ. his passport to Heaven

For a person to see for the first time to look at Jesus......

when the cloak is removed,and the eyes opened

that's who you will see


Shaunte's Mark Chapter 10 comment about verse 44 on 4/17/2022, 8:51am...

"They hung him high. They stretched him wide. He hung his head and for me He died...that's love! There is no greater love!"


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