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Hosea Chapter 13


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Obbie Beal's Hosea Chapter 13 comment on 2/09/2020, 6:06pm...

verse 6: According to their pasture, so were they filled; they were filled, and their heart was exalted; therefore have they forgotten ME..... Notice: 2020 proves we are a repeat of the above because good pasture from GOD is provided many today by way of sunshine, rain, bread on the table, education, jobs, SSI, IRA, 401k, stocks, bonds, reduced rent, credit cards, subsidies from government, refinance, green paper made by man, hi-tech toys, and we turned all these mention into idols, thereby angered JEHOVAH like those in this chapter. Nevertheless there is SALVATION for each of us through John 3:16-21.


I am's Hosea Chapter 13 comment on 12/05/2019, 2:27pm...

Verily, GOD makes all to repent. For a soul is saved for every earthen vessel, being redeemed by Christ: as it is GOD'S perfect will. But that spirit of antichrist, standing now in the same earthen vessels, rebels against GOD'S commandment. That antichrist spirit blasphemed the Holy Ghost in the last world, and blasphemes the Holy Ghost in this evil world, and in the world to come: it repents not:


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