GiGi's Numbers Chapter 29 comment on 7/31/2023, 12:30pm...
Jesus was the only being worthy enough to be given as an offering. No other human, nor any amount of animal sacrifices is worth as much as the Son is to the Father. God can always cause animals and people to be born to replace the ones that die, but the Son, being eternal is the only Son begotten of the Father who is eternally Divine as the Father is. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were all willing for the Son, one of themselves in the Godhead, to become human and die a human death for the sin of man. Oh, the love of God for us! We are undeserving of His love, but Jesus is infinitely worthy of the love within and between the Godhead. Jesus is the most costly offering ever made, and He was an offering made by God, not by man. How precious is He!
May we always remember these things when we partake of communion and reflect on his death and resurrection. We have been given such an unspeakable gift in the salvation in Christ that transforms us from sinful enemies of God into righteous children of God made clean from sin and able to have fellowship with the Godhead always and forever more. Praise to our Almighty God who has wrought such a complete, thorough, and eternal salvation for us He has called to Him.!
GiGi's Numbers Chapter 29 comment on 7/31/2023, 12:21pm...
in both chapter 28 and 29 YHWH speaks through Moses concerning feast days that are to be celebrated and the Israelites are to be assembled. This is why at Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement Jews came to Jerusalem. It was required that they do by this Mosaic law.
In both Passover time and at the seventh month feasts many more animals are offered and sacrificed. A sin offering is offered each day.
A few things I am thinking about after reading these two chapters:
One is that these offerings and sacrifices indicate that YHWH must be appeased due to the overwhelming immensity of our sin and sinfulness and His infinite and uncompromising holiness. Thinking of the great number of animals offered throughout the time of the Israelites in the wilderness and up to the destruction of the temple in A,D, 70, how costly the price for us to come into fellowship with God. Being a people who raised flocks and herds and grew grains and trees for oil as a livelihood, the nation's debt to God for their corrupt state was truly impossible to be paid by the blood of animals and day to day and year to year the debt was never fully satisfied this way.
The second thought I have is that the completed payment of this debt for our sin was thus unattainable by. But our Lord was able to satisfy this debt and the wrath of our God for sin fully once and for all. Therefore, there was no longer any need of all these sacrifices anymore after the cross. God ended these ordinances once and for all in 70 A.D., just as Jesus had said in the Olivet discourse. Christ alone was what was needed to fulfill all the purposes for all of these OT sacrifices.
the last thought I have is that the sheer number of animals slain which could not blot out our sins shows us the infinite worth of Jesus to His Father. Jesus, being the most valuable person to the Father was given for us. This was the greatest act of God in all of history. The Son, whom He loved eternally, was given to expiate our sins,.. cont
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GiGi's Numbers Chapter 29 comment on 7/31/2023, 12:30pm...
Jesus was the only being worthy enough to be given as an offering. No other human, nor any amount of animal sacrifices is worth as much as the Son is to the Father. God can always cause animals and people to be born to replace the ones that die, but the Son, being eternal is the only Son begotten of the Father who is eternally Divine as the Father is. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were all willing for the Son, one of themselves in the Godhead, to become human and die a human death for the sin of man. Oh, the love of God for us! We are undeserving of His love, but Jesus is infinitely worthy of the love within and between the Godhead. Jesus is the most costly offering ever made, and He was an offering made by God, not by man. How precious is He!
May we always remember these things when we partake of communion and reflect on his death and resurrection. We have been given such an unspeakable gift in the salvation in Christ that transforms us from sinful enemies of God into righteous children of God made clean from sin and able to have fellowship with the Godhead always and forever more. Praise to our Almighty God who has wrought such a complete, thorough, and eternal salvation for us He has called to Him.!
GiGi's Numbers Chapter 29 comment on 7/31/2023, 12:21pm...
in both chapter 28 and 29 YHWH speaks through Moses concerning feast days that are to be celebrated and the Israelites are to be assembled. This is why at Passover, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement Jews came to Jerusalem. It was required that they do by this Mosaic law.
In both Passover time and at the seventh month feasts many more animals are offered and sacrificed. A sin offering is offered each day.
A few things I am thinking about after reading these two chapters:
One is that these offerings and sacrifices indicate that YHWH must be appeased due to the overwhelming immensity of our sin and sinfulness and His infinite and uncompromising holiness. Thinking of the great number of animals offered throughout the time of the Israelites in the wilderness and up to the destruction of the temple in A,D, 70, how costly the price for us to come into fellowship with God. Being a people who raised flocks and herds and grew grains and trees for oil as a livelihood, the nation's debt to God for their corrupt state was truly impossible to be paid by the blood of animals and day to day and year to year the debt was never fully satisfied this way.
The second thought I have is that the completed payment of this debt for our sin was thus unattainable by. But our Lord was able to satisfy this debt and the wrath of our God for sin fully once and for all. Therefore, there was no longer any need of all these sacrifices anymore after the cross. God ended these ordinances once and for all in 70 A.D., just as Jesus had said in the Olivet discourse. Christ alone was what was needed to fulfill all the purposes for all of these OT sacrifices.
the last thought I have is that the sheer number of animals slain which could not blot out our sins shows us the infinite worth of Jesus to His Father. Jesus, being the most valuable person to the Father was given for us. This was the greatest act of God in all of history. The Son, whom He loved eternally, was given to expiate our sins,.. cont
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