Jessie's 1 Samuel Chapter 7 comment on 9/23/2020, 7:07am...
Notice that the children of Israel are depending on an "It" to save them. Meaning the Arc of the Covenant. Notice that didn't work too well! It was not until they saw the errors of their ways and ask the Almighty God to save them did things turn around. I think this is a good message for today. We as a nation put too much emphasis on the "It's" of the world to secure us. Social Security, Insurance, Retirement, 401K's, etc. We need to lift our eyes upon the Lord and Savior and ask him to heal our land and put in the minds of our leaders to praise the God of all creation. Then, "HE" not "IT" will save us and heal our land.
Stanjett's 1 Samuel Chapter 7 comment on 8/10/2019, 11:17pm...
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Jessie's 1 Samuel Chapter 7 comment on 9/23/2020, 7:07am...
Notice that the children of Israel are depending on an "It" to save them. Meaning the Arc of the Covenant. Notice that didn't work too well! It was not until they saw the errors of their ways and ask the Almighty God to save them did things turn around. I think this is a good message for today. We as a nation put too much emphasis on the "It's" of the world to secure us. Social Security, Insurance, Retirement, 401K's, etc. We need to lift our eyes upon the Lord and Savior and ask him to heal our land and put in the minds of our leaders to praise the God of all creation. Then, "HE" not "IT" will save us and heal our land.
Stanjett's 1 Samuel Chapter 7 comment on 8/10/2019, 11:17pm...
Well,well, Hello Brother.
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