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Ezra Chapter 7


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Daniel Prentice's Ezra Chapter 7 comment on 11/19/2019, 6:39am...

Whatever Ezra commanded,this was as the scibes of the holy men of that time wanted the people of Israel to know when he was sent to Jerusalem


Ivy Johnson's Ezra Chapter 7 comment on 11/27/2018, 7:11pm...

Ezra was an obedient servant of God, with the others who went along. It is amazing how God will any use who is willing. No matter how simple or great a task. Jesus use me, and oh Lord,don’t refuse me, surely there’s a work that I can do, and even though it’s humble, Lord help my will to crumble, though the task be great, I’ll work for you. We have to be willing, and waiting for God to use us.


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