Albert Swanson's Ezekiel Chapter 47 comment on 12/14/2021, 12:38pm...
Suppose any one were to take time to look up the healing the leaves of the Olive currently known. In that case, it does strike as quite immense ..... larger than might be expected, for usually healing elements do not contain as near the number represented here. It strikes as being miraculous, to be a "calling forth," as would have been the case if it too had been situated by the tomb of Lazareth, and that is so far as we have been able to determine, that is the healing properties it has contained. But to the believer, it is enough, that is the list of what it heals, and fundamentally able to persuade them that more of its most likely shall come, as recognized, like Jesus on earth, as that which if need of healing confronted. It seems a hint of the plants, flowers, the great variety of growings, now sprawling about occurring in the heavenly.
Annysia's Ezekiel Chapter 47 comment on 4/01/2020, 1:02am...
When I imagine Ezekiel crossing the river, I see it as a description of how we start our religious life. First shallowly, by the ankles, then we progress deeper and deeper. After crossing the river we reach a sea of life. Everyone's end goal essentially (heaven). People who don't cross the river completely will never reach the sea full of life but instead be stuck with a "Dead Sea".
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Albert Swanson's Ezekiel Chapter 47 comment on 12/14/2021, 12:38pm...
Suppose any one were to take time to look up the healing the leaves of the Olive currently known. In that case, it does strike as quite immense ..... larger than might be expected, for usually healing elements do not contain as near the number represented here. It strikes as being miraculous, to be a "calling forth," as would have been the case if it too had been situated by the tomb of Lazareth, and that is so far as we have been able to determine, that is the healing properties it has contained. But to the believer, it is enough, that is the list of what it heals, and fundamentally able to persuade them that more of its most likely shall come, as recognized, like Jesus on earth, as that which if need of healing confronted. It seems a hint of the plants, flowers, the great variety of growings, now sprawling about occurring in the heavenly.
Annysia's Ezekiel Chapter 47 comment on 4/01/2020, 1:02am...
When I imagine Ezekiel crossing the river, I see it as a description of how we start our religious life. First shallowly, by the ankles, then we progress deeper and deeper. After crossing the river we reach a sea of life. Everyone's end goal essentially (heaven). People who don't cross the river completely will never reach the sea full of life but instead be stuck with a "Dead Sea".
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