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Proverbs Chapter 12


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Donna's Proverbs Chapter 12 comment on 12/19/2021, 9:16pm...

Tony, I'm sorry that you lost your loved ones and are on drugs. I'm really glad that you quit for a week. I know the Lord is tugging at your heart cuz you picked up your Bible and cried. I went through the same thing at Different times in my life. And God brought me out and delivered me. But I never gave up on him. And he never gave up on me just like he said in his word. He'll never leave us or for sake us. He should've left me along time ago but he didn't and I love him for it. I have a friend named Tony that I'm praying for. Don't give up on God. He won't give up on you. Even when the devil tries to make you think God doesn't want you anymore . God does want you. I'm praying for you tonight.


Rick's Proverbs Chapter 12 comment on 12/10/2021, 8:16pm...

Hi Tony The beginning of your answer Romans 10:9+10 and believe in your Heart!


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