Tim legarie's Judges Chapter 12 comment on 3/31/2022, 4:55am...
As before so again God is always turning over evil until the good rises up.Praise God for his righteousness.Judges others would judge Israel when they did not follow God now because of corruption other countries follow the UN.The science,the doctors,the children.Me and my house will follow God.
Day 69 of Bible Reading in a Year. Excellent history of the period of the judges who "ruled" Israel. It is fascinating how the "land" has and is still so very important even among the gentiles. The identification of people with the land for the Israelites revealed a history (though frequently broken" of trusting God to deliver them from their enemies and their own flesh.
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Tim legarie's Judges Chapter 12 comment on 3/31/2022, 4:55am...
As before so again God is always turning over evil until the good rises up.Praise God for his righteousness.Judges others would judge Israel when they did not follow God now because of corruption other countries follow the UN.The science,the doctors,the children.Me and my house will follow God.
Christ Magnified Glorifying Jesus's Judges Chapter 12 comment on 3/10/2018, 11:02am...
Day 69 of Bible Reading in a Year. Excellent history of the period of the judges who "ruled" Israel. It is fascinating how the "land" has and is still so very important even among the gentiles. The identification of people with the land for the Israelites revealed a history (though frequently broken" of trusting God to deliver them from their enemies and their own flesh.
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