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Exodus Chapter 8


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GiGi's Exodus Chapter 8 comment on 2/10/2022, 7:18pm...

...continued When Moses continued to press Pharaoh to let the Israelites go into the wilderness to worship, Pharaoh relents and says they can go, but not to go far. People who are being released from bondage no longer need to listen or obey the former master under whom they had been in bondage to. People also, should wish to get as far away from this "master" as they can and not look back. Because, as this chapter shows us, the 'master' (pharaoh) reneged on his agreement and was not willing to let them go as soon as YHWH took away the plague of flies. He hardened his heart further. Sin is our master in our fleshly nature. We have been delivered from it by Jesus (YHWH). We should want to be as separated from it as the Israelites were separated by YHWH from the plagues of lice and flies, whereas before they had suffered the first plagues. They needed to learn the seriousness of remaining in bondage. They needed to learn to look to YHWH for all protection from enemies and unhealthy, unclean things. We should see sin as being far worse for us as these plagues. It is deadly. So, once we are delivered from sin, we should hate it in all forms and not desire to go back to it.

Were the Israelites learning that YHWH is truly the only God and the only One they can trust with their lives? Were they learning that YHWH was the One True God and the others they had learned about in Egypt were truly false? Were they learning that YHWH was the One True God worthy of their worship? I think God was working on these things with the Israelites before they leave Egypt so that they will never want to go back into a place of bondage. They needed to know what YHWH could do to them and what he could rescue them from so that they would not look back like Lot's wife. Certainly, the Israelites wanted to have their yoke of bondage eliminated, but if they were freed and could remain in Egypt would they ever leave? Probably not. they need to go with Him when He says go, and go where He says to go.


GiGi's Exodus Chapter 8 comment on 2/10/2022, 7:00pm...

This chapter continues with the plagues YHWH brings upon Egypt miraculously. The magicians of Pharoah are able to conjure up frogs, but not lice, nor flies. So, they admitted that this was the work of the finger of God. It is with the plague of flies that God spares the Israelites and their animals in the area of Goshen. Moses entreated YHWH each time to have the plague cease. The magicians could not make the plagues go away. The Israelites suffered under the plagues of water turned to blood, frogs, and lice. YHWH needed to teach the Israelites who He was and what He could do. They needed to be taught fear of the LORD. Then God showed His power in sparing them from the flies. They needed to learn about His mercy.

The Egyptian dust-god was named Geb, a god of fertility. YHWH making the dust into lice made what the Egyptians considered divine (dust) and most helpful into lice, something despised, unclean, and harmful. The Egyptian frog-goddess was named Heket. The frogs were normally confined to the water, so controlled by the water gods. But here, YHWH showed that these water gods really did not have any control as He was stronger. The Egyptian fly-god was Khepri (having the head of a fly) and was attributed to creation, the sun's movement, and rebirth. YHWH demonstrated power of this idol. YHWH not only could make the created substances that the Egyptians worshipped become pestilence, He could also make the plagues stop.

Again, YHWH tells Moses and Aaron to go meet Pharaoh on his way to the river. He most likely was going there early in the morning to worship. With the plague of flies, Pharaoh says he will let the Israelites go just a short ways from their homes to offer sacrifice. Moses had asked for a three-day journey to worship. Moses says that the Egyptians will be offended if they are close enough to the area to offer their sacrifice of bulls and rams. The Egyptians would be appalled because they worshipped bulls, calves, and other livestock.


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