Richard H Priday's Esther Chapter 5 comment on 4/03/2022, 4:44pm...
Haman was a distant relative of the Agagites; or Amalekites. God had; for whatever reason sought their destruction under Saul; and his disobedience would allow for a near extermination of all the Jews in the known world at this time.
In this passage; we see a continuing supplication of Esther which earned the king's respect. She prepared a feast in two phases; with the second planned event to bring Haman's demise.
Naturally, Haman was jubilant at his exaltation and honor; but he continued to hold hatred for the Jews in his heart (v. 9 and 10). His wife gave him the plan along with his friends to prepare a gallow 75 feet high (no small feat) to hang Mordecai. This would appear to "seal the deal" as it were but then there is (as Paul Harvey used to say) the rest of the story.
Pride comes before a fall; and this house of cards was about to collapse. (Proverbs 16:18).
BSP's Esther Chapter 5 comment on 9/08/2021, 4:43pm...
Verse 13- Haman enjoyed many good things but because he was so haughty and filled with hate he allowed one man to make him unhappy.
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Richard H Priday's Esther Chapter 5 comment on 4/03/2022, 4:44pm...
Haman was a distant relative of the Agagites; or Amalekites. God had; for whatever reason sought their destruction under Saul; and his disobedience would allow for a near extermination of all the Jews in the known world at this time.
In this passage; we see a continuing supplication of Esther which earned the king's respect. She prepared a feast in two phases; with the second planned event to bring Haman's demise.
Naturally, Haman was jubilant at his exaltation and honor; but he continued to hold hatred for the Jews in his heart (v. 9 and 10). His wife gave him the plan along with his friends to prepare a gallow 75 feet high (no small feat) to hang Mordecai. This would appear to "seal the deal" as it were but then there is (as Paul Harvey used to say) the rest of the story.
Pride comes before a fall; and this house of cards was about to collapse. (Proverbs 16:18).
BSP's Esther Chapter 5 comment on 9/08/2021, 4:43pm...
Verse 13- Haman enjoyed many good things but because he was so haughty and filled with hate he allowed one man to make him unhappy.
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