BOOTS ON THE GROUND's Ezekiel Chapter 10 comment on 6/07/2022, 5:39pm...
I'm not being irreverent. Jesus gave us lots of signs to keep watch for.
The thief
The Ten Virgins
The Abomination of Desolation
Matthew 24, and Luke 21, Revelation
I keep my focus on what Jesus said. Trying to set dates can be confusing. Think of how many books have been written on the Rapture/Caught Up in the Clouds?
Movies, TV Series, Tape Series
Why do we not DO what Jesus said to be doing?
Go ye__into your world, neighborhood, city, state, etc.
Evangelize the lost
Be a missionary at World Challenge ministry
Heal the Sick
Raise the Dead (dead feelings)
Give to all who ask of you
Rex B.Carlisle ,Jr's Ezekiel Chapter 10 comment on 6/07/2022, 7:15am...
How we can see thangs taken place showing how close we are of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ !!! In This day and time Rex
View All Ezekiel Chapter 10 Discussion...
BOOTS ON THE GROUND's Ezekiel Chapter 10 comment on 6/07/2022, 5:39pm...
I'm not being irreverent. Jesus gave us lots of signs to keep watch for.
The thief
The Ten Virgins
The Abomination of Desolation
Matthew 24, and Luke 21, Revelation
I keep my focus on what Jesus said. Trying to set dates can be confusing. Think of how many books have been written on the Rapture/Caught Up in the Clouds?
Movies, TV Series, Tape Series
Why do we not DO what Jesus said to be doing?
Go ye__into your world, neighborhood, city, state, etc.
Evangelize the lost
Be a missionary at World Challenge ministry
Heal the Sick
Raise the Dead (dead feelings)
Give to all who ask of you
Rex B.Carlisle ,Jr's Ezekiel Chapter 10 comment on 6/07/2022, 7:15am...
How we can see thangs taken place showing how close we are of the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ !!! In This day and time Rex
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