Palingal1's Luke Chapter 9 comment on 9/16/2022, 1:50am...
The last verses, 58-62, all I can say is, Wow! Sad, that these others were so caught up in their comfort zones, enough, to even keep them, from being used by the Master.
Timothy B Blaco's Luke Chapter 9 comment on 6/23/2022, 9:39pm...
Obviously, Peter, James and John see the kingdom coming at the Mt of Transfiguration. John especially, the Book of Revelation.
Compare all 3 passages of Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:1-9 and Luke 9:26-36.
Remember, Moses had died and God had buried him. Michael the archangel goes to get his body Jude 1:9
Elias (Elijah) was picked up by a chariot of fire 2 Kings 2:11-12.
They are returned by and re-enter a "cloud" where the voice of the Father is heard, Luke 9:34-35. Note the Father must have been in that cloud / chariot.
The clouds and chariots connection is found in Psalm 104:3 The clouds typify the chariots of the LORD which number 20,000 Psalm 68:17.. notice they are "as in Sinai", Moses time in Exodus. Of course the Cloud in Exodus performed as an aircraft / spacecraft as it came down from heaven and then did many aerial maneuvers.
When the second coming happens it is referred to many times as a "day of clouds" and in Isaiah 66:15 it involves "his chariots",
which is a fleet of at least 20,000 - Psalms 68:17.
Moses and Elias represent the Law and the Prophets, which is what Jesus came to fulfill -Luke 24:44 and they "spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem" - Luke 9:31
So then, Jesus makes the statement that there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God... refers to the event of The Mt of Transfiguration event.
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Palingal1's Luke Chapter 9 comment on 9/16/2022, 1:50am...
The last verses, 58-62, all I can say is, Wow! Sad, that these others were so caught up in their comfort zones, enough, to even keep them, from being used by the Master.
Timothy B Blaco's Luke Chapter 9 comment on 6/23/2022, 9:39pm...
Obviously, Peter, James and John see the kingdom coming at the Mt of Transfiguration. John especially, the Book of Revelation.
Compare all 3 passages of Matthew 17:1-9, Mark 9:1-9 and Luke 9:26-36.
Remember, Moses had died and God had buried him. Michael the archangel goes to get his body Jude 1:9
Elias (Elijah) was picked up by a chariot of fire 2 Kings 2:11-12.
They are returned by and re-enter a "cloud" where the voice of the Father is heard, Luke 9:34-35. Note the Father must have been in that cloud / chariot.
The clouds and chariots connection is found in Psalm 104:3 The clouds typify the chariots of the LORD which number 20,000 Psalm 68:17.. notice they are "as in Sinai", Moses time in Exodus. Of course the Cloud in Exodus performed as an aircraft / spacecraft as it came down from heaven and then did many aerial maneuvers.
When the second coming happens it is referred to many times as a "day of clouds" and in Isaiah 66:15 it involves "his chariots",
which is a fleet of at least 20,000 - Psalms 68:17.
Moses and Elias represent the Law and the Prophets, which is what Jesus came to fulfill -Luke 24:44 and they "spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem" - Luke 9:31
So then, Jesus makes the statement that there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the kingdom of God... refers to the event of The Mt of Transfiguration event.
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