Tunney's 2 Timothy Chapter 4 comment about verse 2 on 12/28/2023, 7:22pm...
Praise the LORD for the encouragement to continue in the work of faith in the name of CHRIST.
May we not falter, but remind ourselves of the many lost souls, and the back slidden brethren who need a loving and kind hand of grace.
Happy New Year everyone! Let us all walk in the love of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
December 29, 2023
Chris's 2 Timothy Chapter 4 comment on 12/13/2022, 5:30pm...
Hi Timothy. Just looking at the Scriptures on Luke, I note that he was a close friend of the Apostle Paul, who referred to him as 'the beloved physician' (Colossians 4:14). He is also spoken of as a "fellow labourer" (Philemon 1:24).
During Paul's second missionary journey, Luke connected with Paul in Asia Minor (Acts 16:6-11. Verse 10 particularly indicates this: "WE endeavoured to go into Macedonia"). Luke was then left in Philippi (Acts 17:1: "THEY", Luke excluded) and then re-connected with Paul to travel with him on the third missionary journey (Acts 20:5: "US").
Luke also accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem & then to Rome and was with Paul during his imprisonment there (2 Timothy 4:11: which you had quoted). So, you can see that Luke, with many others (in the Church & on the 'mission field'), played a vital role in Paul's ministry & provided him with fellowship & encouragement. And of course Luke's medical knowledge, no doubt would have been useful to both Paul & maybe those in such need in their travels.
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Tunney's 2 Timothy Chapter 4 comment about verse 2 on 12/28/2023, 7:22pm...
Praise the LORD for the encouragement to continue in the work of faith in the name of CHRIST.
May we not falter, but remind ourselves of the many lost souls, and the back slidden brethren who need a loving and kind hand of grace.
Happy New Year everyone! Let us all walk in the love of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
December 29, 2023
Chris's 2 Timothy Chapter 4 comment on 12/13/2022, 5:30pm...
Hi Timothy. Just looking at the Scriptures on Luke, I note that he was a close friend of the Apostle Paul, who referred to him as 'the beloved physician' (Colossians 4:14). He is also spoken of as a "fellow labourer" (Philemon 1:24).
During Paul's second missionary journey, Luke connected with Paul in Asia Minor (Acts 16:6-11. Verse 10 particularly indicates this: "WE endeavoured to go into Macedonia"). Luke was then left in Philippi (Acts 17:1: "THEY", Luke excluded) and then re-connected with Paul to travel with him on the third missionary journey (Acts 20:5: "US").
Luke also accompanied Paul on his journey to Jerusalem & then to Rome and was with Paul during his imprisonment there (2 Timothy 4:11: which you had quoted). So, you can see that Luke, with many others (in the Church & on the 'mission field'), played a vital role in Paul's ministry & provided him with fellowship & encouragement. And of course Luke's medical knowledge, no doubt would have been useful to both Paul & maybe those in such need in their travels.
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