Richard H Priday's Psalms Chapter 69 comment on 12/30/2022, 9:27am...
Psalm 69. The first few verses of the Psalm are reminiscent of Psalm 40 and several other psalms about being lifted from the mire.
Verses 3 through 8 precede verse 9 which was quoted in the New Testament (John 2:17) when Jesus overturned the moneychangers tables (done at least one more time at the end of His ministry). They all could be prophetic about Christ as well; except for verse 5 talking of David's foolishness and sin; as well as the end of verse 4 where he was sid to "restore that which was not taken away" which would seem to indicate he had to give compensation to those accusing him of stealing stuff that he never took from them.
Verses 10 through 12 involving sackcloth and fasting also would apply to David alone (Christ's fasting wasn't for any sins of his own but as an example of how to be more fully empowered with the Spirit to cast out particular demons (Matt. 17:21). When we go further from verses 13 through 19 once again the themes of mire and deep waters are mentioned; and these passages once again are rather interchangeable between David and Christ's trials.
Verses 20-22 once again are clearly prophetic; Christ's heart literally was boken (v. 20); verse 21 is quoted in Matt. 27:33-34; and verse 22 through 28 are likely describing Judas Iscariot as seen more clearly in Psalm 109 and several other passages. I would say that verse 28 is describing the book of ALL living souls; not the Book of Life. Finally; verse 29 also ties in with Psalm 109 in describing Christ at the crucifixion.
The rest of this Psalm gives hopefulness with again a Millennial type Kingdom to come. Sacrifice isn't needed of animals (v. 31) but I suspect it is a ceremonial and memorial thing.
Prisoners will be released (v. 33); and the land will have it's covenant borders and the world blessed (v. 34-end). The Lord will be praised throughout the earth. Amen.
David's Psalms Chapter 69 comment on 10/04/2021, 9:44am...
May the Lord shine His face mightily on all who calls for His great hand of Comfort and Joy. It is not easy to rejoice in the trials before us, but God promises to give us a "way to escape, that we may be able to bear it." Hallelujah!
1 Cor 10:13; James 1: 2-5
In this time of our government's inability to give stability and trust to our people, let us continue to call on the Lord and follow hard on His wisdom and guidance to come through this pandemic and economic disaster. 2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15
I pray for our President Joe Biden and all his advisors to come to salvation in Christ Name, and there by be able to govern wisely and righteously. I pray for the churches of the saints to continue to preach the gospel and take the battle to the front and "...and some have compassion, making a difference...pulling them out of the fire..."
Jude 22, 23
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our cries.
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Richard H Priday's Psalms Chapter 69 comment on 12/30/2022, 9:27am...
Psalm 69. The first few verses of the Psalm are reminiscent of Psalm 40 and several other psalms about being lifted from the mire.
Verses 3 through 8 precede verse 9 which was quoted in the New Testament (John 2:17) when Jesus overturned the moneychangers tables (done at least one more time at the end of His ministry). They all could be prophetic about Christ as well; except for verse 5 talking of David's foolishness and sin; as well as the end of verse 4 where he was sid to "restore that which was not taken away" which would seem to indicate he had to give compensation to those accusing him of stealing stuff that he never took from them.
Verses 10 through 12 involving sackcloth and fasting also would apply to David alone (Christ's fasting wasn't for any sins of his own but as an example of how to be more fully empowered with the Spirit to cast out particular demons (Matt. 17:21). When we go further from verses 13 through 19 once again the themes of mire and deep waters are mentioned; and these passages once again are rather interchangeable between David and Christ's trials.
Verses 20-22 once again are clearly prophetic; Christ's heart literally was boken (v. 20); verse 21 is quoted in Matt. 27:33-34; and verse 22 through 28 are likely describing Judas Iscariot as seen more clearly in Psalm 109 and several other passages. I would say that verse 28 is describing the book of ALL living souls; not the Book of Life. Finally; verse 29 also ties in with Psalm 109 in describing Christ at the crucifixion.
The rest of this Psalm gives hopefulness with again a Millennial type Kingdom to come. Sacrifice isn't needed of animals (v. 31) but I suspect it is a ceremonial and memorial thing.
Prisoners will be released (v. 33); and the land will have it's covenant borders and the world blessed (v. 34-end). The Lord will be praised throughout the earth. Amen.
David's Psalms Chapter 69 comment on 10/04/2021, 9:44am...
May the Lord shine His face mightily on all who calls for His great hand of Comfort and Joy. It is not easy to rejoice in the trials before us, but God promises to give us a "way to escape, that we may be able to bear it." Hallelujah!
1 Cor 10:13; James 1: 2-5
In this time of our government's inability to give stability and trust to our people, let us continue to call on the Lord and follow hard on His wisdom and guidance to come through this pandemic and economic disaster. 2 Chronicles 7: 14, 15
I pray for our President Joe Biden and all his advisors to come to salvation in Christ Name, and there by be able to govern wisely and righteously. I pray for the churches of the saints to continue to preach the gospel and take the battle to the front and "...and some have compassion, making a difference...pulling them out of the fire..."
Jude 22, 23
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering our cries.
October 4, 2021
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