GiGi's Psalms Chapter 51 comment on 2/05/2024, 4:00pm...
Hi Cheryl,
This Psalm is such a good example of how David was a man after God's own heart, yet found sin in his heart that he knew was truly against God and sought Him for forgiveness and cleansing. I would hope to be as David and as Him often to examine me and show me any sinful way in me. David hated that he had done or said or thought things that have offended the God he loved so much. I would hope to also hate my sins and confess them to God seeking forgiveness as soon as I realize I have done so.
I hope to be sensitive to the "pricking" of the Holy Spirit" when He shows me a Scripture that speaks to my failure to do what is righteous before God and man. This is what God wants us to do-come to Him with all our sin and failures to honor Him as God and judge, whenever we fail to praise and thank Him as we ought-and confess to Him our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us as 1 John 1 says.
GiGi's Psalms Chapter 51 comment on 2/05/2024, 3:46pm...
Good afternoon, Momsage, I am one who thinks that faults and propensities in our personalities and character can be considered sinful. If one has a quick temper, is easily provoked, unwilling to forgive offenses, is self-seeking, envies, prideful, thinks evil thoughts, or any number of "faults' or "weaknesses" one is sinning with these faults/weaknesses when we give in and let them be expressed. See 1 Corinthians 13
If I have tendencies to complain, gossip, talk behind another's back, be lazy when I should do what task I need to do each day, fail to give my husband attention and affection and care to fill up his need-all these are sinful. It is highly probable that you have faults such as these or others that when you read of them in Scripture the Holy Spirit pricks your heart. We are to live godly lives in this wicked generation, especially in our own home and with our family and close friends. We are to practice keeping a guard on our hearts and minds and actions with diligence.
If you read I Corinthians 13 and find that you do not always follow what it says about love, then you can know you are failing to love as God wants us to. Loving others is a really huge aspect of obedience to God's ways. And one area that I don't think ANYONE can do rightly 100% of the time in their lives even as a believer.
Glad to see that you are feeling better. Always feels so good to be feeling good after an illness! Thank the Lord!
Momsage. I do not ant to get into a long discussion about this topic as we have discussed this recently pretty thoroughly. I just wanted to respond to your statement of not being a sinner. I will be glad to hear your response, but please understand if I do not engage in a lengthy discussion.
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GiGi's Psalms Chapter 51 comment on 2/05/2024, 4:00pm...
Hi Cheryl,
This Psalm is such a good example of how David was a man after God's own heart, yet found sin in his heart that he knew was truly against God and sought Him for forgiveness and cleansing. I would hope to be as David and as Him often to examine me and show me any sinful way in me. David hated that he had done or said or thought things that have offended the God he loved so much. I would hope to also hate my sins and confess them to God seeking forgiveness as soon as I realize I have done so.
I hope to be sensitive to the "pricking" of the Holy Spirit" when He shows me a Scripture that speaks to my failure to do what is righteous before God and man. This is what God wants us to do-come to Him with all our sin and failures to honor Him as God and judge, whenever we fail to praise and thank Him as we ought-and confess to Him our sins. He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us as 1 John 1 says.
GiGi's Psalms Chapter 51 comment on 2/05/2024, 3:46pm...
Good afternoon, Momsage, I am one who thinks that faults and propensities in our personalities and character can be considered sinful. If one has a quick temper, is easily provoked, unwilling to forgive offenses, is self-seeking, envies, prideful, thinks evil thoughts, or any number of "faults' or "weaknesses" one is sinning with these faults/weaknesses when we give in and let them be expressed. See 1 Corinthians 13
If I have tendencies to complain, gossip, talk behind another's back, be lazy when I should do what task I need to do each day, fail to give my husband attention and affection and care to fill up his need-all these are sinful. It is highly probable that you have faults such as these or others that when you read of them in Scripture the Holy Spirit pricks your heart. We are to live godly lives in this wicked generation, especially in our own home and with our family and close friends. We are to practice keeping a guard on our hearts and minds and actions with diligence.
If you read I Corinthians 13 and find that you do not always follow what it says about love, then you can know you are failing to love as God wants us to. Loving others is a really huge aspect of obedience to God's ways. And one area that I don't think ANYONE can do rightly 100% of the time in their lives even as a believer.
Glad to see that you are feeling better. Always feels so good to be feeling good after an illness! Thank the Lord!
Momsage. I do not ant to get into a long discussion about this topic as we have discussed this recently pretty thoroughly. I just wanted to respond to your statement of not being a sinner. I will be glad to hear your response, but please understand if I do not engage in a lengthy discussion.
Have a great evening.
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