Chris's Psalms Chapter 89 comment on 5/11/2022, 1:24am...
Hi Rosa. The word 'horn' that you read in some Psalms (e.g. Psalms 92:10; 132:17; 18:2; etc), usually have reference to the horn of the unicorn (or, wild ox). I usually picture a rhinocerous in these instances & the power that this beast holds against most all land animals. So the meanings associated with 'horn', can be various, but certainly, one could use, 'power, strength, dignity' in those verses. But in Psalm 75:5, for example, it denotes 'one that is arrogant or haughty'. Keep these words in mind as you re-read those Psalms.
Rosa johnson's Psalms Chapter 89 comment on 5/10/2022, 1:33pm...
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Chris's Psalms Chapter 89 comment on 5/11/2022, 1:24am...
Hi Rosa. The word 'horn' that you read in some Psalms (e.g. Psalms 92:10; 132:17; 18:2; etc), usually have reference to the horn of the unicorn (or, wild ox). I usually picture a rhinocerous in these instances & the power that this beast holds against most all land animals. So the meanings associated with 'horn', can be various, but certainly, one could use, 'power, strength, dignity' in those verses. But in Psalm 75:5, for example, it denotes 'one that is arrogant or haughty'. Keep these words in mind as you re-read those Psalms.
Rosa johnson's Psalms Chapter 89 comment on 5/10/2022, 1:33pm...
explain the word horn in many of the Psalms.
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