“We love him, because he first loved us.”
King James Version (KJV)
Chris's comment on 2021-02-19 22:33:19:
I see that the "meek inheriting the Earth", is the Lord describing the type of spirit & attitude of a 'meek' person towards God & man. The 'meek' person in himself cannot inherit the Earth, nor can he be acceptable to God without the intervention of the Cross in his life. Yet, that 'meek' disposition must be evident in all of God's children, as one so endued by the Holy Spirit.
ERECH CHRIST NIMROD's comment on 2021-02-19 08:43:48:
Dear Sacha on 1 John 4:19 "We LOVE Him because He First LOVED us." Christians who are worthy do go to Heaven after death. And the Meek (the Teachable) will inherit the Earth right here and right now, and in the Hereafter. We pray this has helped you in some way. Peace.
sacha's comment on 2021-02-14 15:02:29:
Can any one help me with this please ? If Christians go to heaven after death why does Jesus say the meek shall inherit the earth ? Any ideas any one ? Thankyou .
James Futch's comment on 2021-02-14 14:02:05:
Where did the sprinkling for baptism come from in the bible?
Vlet's comment on 2021-02-14 04:58:26:
What is the meaning that Jesus made clay from his spittle and earth, and then applied it to the blindman eye to make him see? What is the deeper meaning? His spittle is God's spittle that is mixed with earth to make the clay; so what is the deeper meaning of all this?