“For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”
King James Version (KJV)
kevin gammon's comment on 2015-09-15 04:19:29:
2ChromeEyes's comment on 2015-07-31 05:12:20:
Just as I clicked on the "e" for my KingJamesBibleOnline homepage to load up, I said "God, I do not think I'm safe here" home and Psalms 91:11 was on the screen. Sometimes God hears us and answers us in a millionth of a second. I just wish I had the instructions on how to get out of here and start over.
debb's comment on 2015-07-31 05:08:09:
I think I am so blessed and so are you to have mighty angels assigned to watch over me. thank u you father for caring.
trinity adwoa kwofie's comment on 2015-07-31 01:49:16:
we should remember that through our journey on this earth he is there to guide us, for us to get to our destination safely which is our home in heaven. in our trials, problems, temptations, he is there with us to make that we come out victorious.
patriciamcknight's comment on 2015-06-01 03:42:55:
I love to read psalm 91 it always lift my sprit up and I know God is always there and his angels is watching over me I love the Lord
Teresa's comment on 2014-09-17 08:51:02:
In the last five years I 've prayed Lord if it takes three or ten thousand angels help me today and whatever is going on in my life is better. Try it you will see the Lord send your help.
Rob's comment on 2014-05-03 10:42:41:
Thank you LORD GOD for you relevations, protection, mercy and Grace. Joesph, Nothing will seperate us from GODs love in Christ Jesus, the light is still there. Rebuke the spirit of doubt with the Word of GOD Romans 8 38 39. May GOD Bless you all In Jesus 's name. Amen
Toni's comment on 2014-05-03 05:43:28:
Those found in Christ Jesus are assured of protection from all hurt, harm and danger in the world. Just as when Jesus walked on the earth and God gave His angels charge over Him, as the devil himself pointed out, when he tempted Jesus Matthew 4 6 , we who call on the name of Jesus, also are watched after by God 's ministering spirits. This is to those who surrender to Christ and walk according to the pathway of righteousness. it pays to serve God.
Joseph Inzirillo's comment on 2014-04-08 07:25:40:
This is important to me. When I was 22, I had a mystical experience that I will never forget. Some things were reveled to me, but after two days, I did bang my foot against a dresser and lost the inner light. Am I now doomed?
M. Oliver O\'Ray's comment on 2013-12-23 09:53:53:
This Psalm has been a favorite of mine for many, many years, however when I viewed verse 11 from this website this morning, it put a smile on my face, and a smile in my heart. You see, God's promises are 'True', and 'we' would do well to 'take Him at His Word'! Psalms 91:11 also reminds me of Philippians 4:19 . . . "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by, Christ Je'sus."
Stavros's comment on 2013-10-06 22:54:59:
His messengers he orders around you guarding your passage in your roads (literal translation).
Sadhan Raj-India's comment on 2013-09-17 02:43:27:
"For He shall command his angels to gaurd us wherever we go" Psalms 91:11 gives me the security of being with my Lord forever, as I left my own house and started living alone as I am blessed with a baby Kid now
ANAGUDO CHIOMA (AJAEGBU)'s comment on 2013-08-03 14:05:03:
This portion of bible alway gives me strenght. it shows that we need not ask the ANGELS to watch over us,because HE had alredy mandated them to wat ch us, HIS children everyday of our life.
Manish Kaushik's comment on 2013-03-23 10:41:33:
Verse 11, For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. This gives me and my family enough strength and an indication that He (The Almighty) will save us from all problems. AMEN.
Donna's comment on 2013-02-25 05:15:53:
This is one of the most reassuring passages in the Bible. We know He is always with us, his angels are sent to us directly by Him!
Chris's comment on 2013-02-11 19:41:28:
Remember September 11, 2001. 9/11/01 Parallel with this Psalms 91:11. GOD is Always with US and His Beautiful Angels Protect US. God Truly Love Us.
\'Bola Aremu's comment on 2013-02-08 04:00:48:
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Angels are spirit beings created by God. So Psalms 91:11 is simply saying God has given his angels charge over us to see to our well being. So wherever we are and in all situations we need to be conscious that we are not alone, his angels are always there but we can't see them. Because Hebrews 1:7 tells us that they are spirit. Hebrews 12:22 and Revelation 5:11 also tell us that the angels of God are numerable, which means that God has more than enough angels assigned to everybody. No doubt, God gives more than one angel charge over us. Psalms 103:20 and 2 Kings 19:35 tell us that angels are strong, we have no reason to be afraid of anything, I mean anything!
joan edet's comment on 2013-01-28 04:36:07:
God will always lead us, causing his ministers the angels to help us go in the right path (places and events) for our good.
Sherlene's comment on 2012-01-06 00:51:34:
Children of the most High psalms 91 verse 11 is telling us that our gracious father will Jeep us in His ways. He has also sent His angels to guide us in His ways of righteousness.