“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
King James Version (KJV)
Rodion Ponomariev's comment on 2015-08-07 12:22:56:
Matthew 5:28 But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.
Lloyd's comment on 2015-07-25 02:04:29:
This is a sin "from " and "of " the heart. "From " meaning when a man looks on a woman and prepares to be with that woman with a motive and intention to have sex. "Of " meaning that the very presence of this sin is a fruit from the heart, or condition of the heart. Appreciating beauty is not the same. Be careful though. The devil loves to deceive the Christian. To side track him or her away from God 's gental nudges of Holy Spirit. First, in guilt and condemnation. Which is from a natural law built into all flesh. Second, to try to corrupt the mind by actually try to tempt us by getting the apple of our eye redirected from off of God 's Word unto the things of the world.
victorvincent's comment on 2015-07-02 09:21:00:
it 's only by de grace of GOD dat men can escape dis sin 'i cal it sin of the thought ' dan women should do wel dress properly in order not 2 be used by satan
Joy's comment on 2015-06-08 05:30:53:
Honor thy wife fight sin .... Keep ur clothes on sin is within The devil is real ....obey God fight the devil in gods name Lord Jesus keep the self cover...stay on the righteous path in his name follow him and his kingdom The Lord who shed every drop of his blood to save thee don 't let the devil sent u to hell
Joseph Wheh's comment on 2015-04-30 20:44:47:
I am still contemplating on this verse and desiring more Spiritual.Please send me additional l lessons to enable me develop purity OOF heart and mind
Tim Hyslop's comment on 2013-07-28 09:31:26:
This is a beautiful comment that Jesus made(He made so many beautiful comments!)I do not think he was saying that you could NOT look at a person and appreciate how beautiful a person is. But to always see the person as a human being with feelings. Always have comp***ion for the person you see even if someone is dressed in a provocative manner. If the body distracts you too much, look into their eyes, look at their hands look at their feet! Try to see the person behind the body. Love that person for who they are, and even the way they dress. Accept that person and send Prayers of love to them. And in the same way love yourself and your own body as a holy temple of God.May God bless everyone who reads my comment!
Marilyn's comment on 2013-04-14 15:30:11:
I am disgusted by the number of People I have known and stil know and still yet some to meet , lust with all their heart,when all their strenght and sell their very own souls in exchange to do sin..That Jesus will soon put a stop to ..
Thank you and God Bless !!
roger's comment on 2012-12-10 10:59:46:
I think this verse is something the whole world needs to take to heart, not only read it but do it, because this old world is very, very sick and the Blood of Christ is the only cure!
Ben Weaver's comment on 2010-11-30 18:45:35:
Is it possible that our worldly religion has perverted our Lord's purpose, and made a scandal out of that which God created and called good. Of the 41 uses of the word "lust" in the New Testament, I find 2 that are related to sexual imprudence. The definition of lust is to covet / greatly desire. Adultry- to misplace that which belongs to another, usually sexual intimacy. To covet having anothers wife is wrong in the heart, whether it be her tidiness, her gentleness, or her good management. Does a clean delight in the beauty of God's creation constitute immorality? The church has made bold efforts to police wrong desires, thus increasing the struggle. The strength of sin is the law (1 Cor. 15:56). To make laws against God's beauty makes it teasingly irresistable. The battle is the Lord's (1 Sam. 17:47). Early Christian art in cathedrals had much nudity and Christian baptisms were performed without clothes to commemorate being restored like before the fall of man. This new concept of modesty developed in early 8th century and the body began to be classed as vile being offered by the devil. Lets focus more on new life in Jesus and stop creating temtations by ineffective religious systems. The purpose being to restore God's order, and dignity to the artist creator. Writing this has been a great risk. Love and purity to all.