“Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.”
King James Version (KJV)
Free's comment on 2022-03-26 03:42:10:
Haggai 1:9 Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his own house.
10 Therefore the heaven over you is stayed from dew, and the earth is stayed from her fruit.
Strong words from the Prophet. For reflection for everyone. Let it not be so with Your people Lord. Let them come to You with all of EVERYTHING. Build Your House. Amen.
We should now know what kind of house this is.
God bless us in Jesus Name above all other Names.
Alice Roberson-Patton's comment on 2022-03-24 10:02:26:
WOW! This text is one that would bring an individual to the place God would they be especially when they have missed God previously and the work has gone undone. Talking about redeeming time and its importance to God to bring about a complete circle concerning the work of his chosen ones. This Word of God definitely opens the mind of one that missed his call to rebuild. Despite the persecution, one should understand that God has the authority to bring about a change.
Today, is it possible for church members who have allowed the 1st temple to dilapidate to ruins to listen and hear from God regarding the restoration of the temple or church building a 2nd time without the Sanhedrin's involvement or decision-making process? Meaning a tradition of man that states the Ministerial alliance committee has the authority to position pastors in a church within its jurisdiction if it is not the will of God?
john's comment on 2013-03-05 15:45:20:
I know the scripture and there are plenty of wealthy people who do not believe or acknowledge GOD. Yet they continue to prosper. I believe this scripture says a person can do all hard work yet, he will never be content- meaning satisfied. Satisfy also means to pay or compensate; doing a great job and feeling satisfied far outweighs doing a bad job and getting paid.
Steven Douglas's comment on 2013-02-08 22:55:00:
Haggai 1:6 describes the systems of any society that disobeys Deuteronomy 25:15 and Leviticus 19:35 (just weights and just measures). When money is debased, as it has been in all countries and throughout recorded history, and is now happening all over the world, those who sow much (gross) bring in little (net). Those who eat are not satisfied, and those who earn wages earn them only to put them into a bag full of holes. Jesus' instruction to "be content with your wages" is made difficult when the value of those wages are continuously and invisibly siphoned away, only to be given to others without the wage earner's knowledge or consent.
Joyce Kennell's comment on 2012-12-19 12:09:17:
My thought on Haggai verse 6, you must put God first in all things when you plant ask him to help grow in my walk with him I think I am on the right track but could help me out and with this verse it something to think about. Thanks...Joyce
s's comment on 2012-05-07 07:34:20:
Just a thought about myself also if gods not in it everything will be in vain. Self pleasure.
Betty hunt's comment on 2011-06-01 07:26:58:
i love the world of the Lord This message made me see myself if God aint in get out of it.