“And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.”
King James Version (KJV)
Ss's comment on 2020-12-08 08:23:10:
Genesis 2:25
"And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
They lost innocence's they lost what kept them unashamed.
Timothy Wayne George's comment on 2013-10-13 07:08:03:
The man and his wife were naked, and were not ashamed. Adam and Eve were not ashamed, because sin had not entered the world yet. Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed holy. Husband and wife are to enjoy the holiness of marriage, and not allow barriers of lust to come in. They must enjoy one another, and the beauty of marriage. Do not call unclean what God has called clean. Let the freedom of love unite your hearts into oneness and holiness in marriage. In Christ we are a new creation, and justified by the blood of Jesus, as if we never sinned. So shame should not be apart of the marriage experience. Pure joy and holiness will unite the two to become one just as God has planned it. Therefore enjoy your companionship, and do not allow the temptation of the world to put out that romantic fire that God alone has reserved for marriage.
Sis Terry's comment on 2013-10-02 10:30:40:
Yes, God did designed and created the human body as the crowning touch of his personal creation, to worship in beautiness of holiness. God made everything GOOD before sin entered the garden. After the simple act of disobedient Adam and Eve LOST the godliness and felt shame and sewed fig leaves to cover themselves. That's when pure life was LOST or when Adam and Eve died as God told them what would happen if you touch the tree of knowledge of good and evil. NO, the devil is not trying to outlawed the appreciation of God's creation, he is trying to degrade God's creation by using the women. Men in general need to return back to God your first love, because Adam was joined to God before he ever knew Eve, and Eve knew God before she ever met Adam, This is the crowning touch of creation by repenting from your wicked ways while blood is still running warm in your veins. Thank God he has reserved women like me that refuse to let men take advantage of them in the name of love. God is Love.
ben weaver's comment on 2011-01-12 18:41:42:
God designed and created the human body as the crowning touch of creation, to be wholesome and beautiful. This prime delight of God is obviously what the enemy would try hardest to disgrace as a slander to the artist. He would make religious people think the body is vile and unclean, to be hidden from public view; After establishing prohibition, he then presents the female form as an attraction that he himself has to offer. He is now able to add corrupted desires to defile the pure purpose of God. Instead of preaching the new pure life that believers have in Jesus, organized religion agrees with the devil and has outlawed the appreciation of God's creation. This opens the door for the enemy to make it teasingly attractive. Prohibition doesn't work; make a rule and that is exactly what people want to do. The strength of sin is the law (1 Cor. 15:56). We need the spirit of life in Christ Jesus, not religious laws. There are established Christian Nudist organizations successfully emphasizing purity in Jesus and an appreciation for God's creation. Religion has thrown the baby out with the bath water and created a monster to the advantage of God's enemy. I've been to clothes-free camps, and discovered that the tease game is over and pure thoughts prevail; these are just real people. When we hide a part, curiosity has a toe hold. However,to win others to Jesus we will have to conform to the standards of our society. The Apostle Paul says, "I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some (1 Cor. 9:22). In order to satisfy other Christians, I have not pursued my freedom in Christ. May our Lord grant discernment and bless you all.