“Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.”
King James Version (KJV)
Erich's comment on 2021-04-29 13:49:56:
Galatians 5:4 makes it very clear that we MUST continue to abide in Christ and relay on Him for salvation by faith in his blood and what he did on the cross for us! Those who start in the faith, being justified, but, walk away from Christ to trust in their own efforts are showing that they are not relying on Christ anymore, which is a very dangerous thing to do. think about it..... If Christ, who is the only way we will be saved (Acts 4:12), becomes to no effect to us that can only mean we are in a state of condemnation..... We are fallen from grace. Paul is clearly talking to brothers and sisters in Christ, so this is a warning to saved Christians. Yes, while we can absolutely talk comfort in our salvation based on our faith in Christ, we must always remain steadfast and never turn away from the hope of the gospel (Colossians 1:22-23). If we do, we will be cut off. However, just as the prodigal son was dead and made alive again (Luke 15:11-32), so can the Christians who turn from Christ if they turn back to Him with a loving heart of faith in Him alone for salvation!
Richard's comment on 2014-09-07 12:47:24:
I think it suggests that it is imperative to know, understand and abide in grace through faith in what Jesus Christ has done for us. And realize that we cannot contribute to our salvation aside from believing the saving message that Christ paid for ALL sins and that God approved of the payment and has put sins out of his sight. It also appears to suggest that it is possible for someone who believed the gospel of the dispensation of Grace aka Paul 's gospel, aka the gospel that saves today, to fall from grace and no longer have Christ righteousness attributed to ourselves? I 'm still learning and studying and can 't say this is what I believe. It 's just one of the ideas or possibilities that I 'm considering.