“Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
King James Version (KJV)
Rolando Custodio's comment on 2015-01-23 03:30:58:
My understanding on the "he " in the phrase "which he hath purchased with his own blood " referes to our Lord Jesus Christ because according to the Bible, of all the Messenger sent by our God Our Holy Father in Heaven and Whom we owed our lives to earth in order to spread the gospel of salvation teach mandkind that there is only one God and there is only one Mediator between God and Men , it was Jesus Christ Who sacrificed His life for the Church for salvation. Because the Church of God was purchased by Jesus Christ, the same become His Christ Church since, as it is written, He, Christ, purchased it , Jesus Christ become the Head of the Church of God, which become His Church, or Church of Christ. Our loving God love Him Jesus Christ dearly because Jesus Christ was submissive to God, i.e., Jesus Christ obeyed the Laws and Will of God and set aside His self-interest. As it is written, of all men, no sin found to Jesus Christ, an example of an eternal and faithful love to His Creator.Because of the qualities of Jesus Christ, He became the Mediator between men and God because men, being flesh, are weak sinful. Men cannot go directly anymore to our loving God because sin sepaprate men from God. The reason why Jesus Christ Has taught us that we must be righteous and pray to God in Jesus Christ 's name. But we must understand that committing sin is not tolerated because as it is written, the prayer of sinful will not be heard. Let us quote Acts 20:28 and analyse: Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
c.j.philip's comment on 2014-12-01 01:39:46:
let me know about appointment of elders in the local assembly is by holy spirit or elected by assembly member as a whole.There is a dispute based Mathew 1 verse 17
jessiemiel vallestero's comment on 2014-10-23 03:59:18:
hi, anyone... why Mr. George Lamsa 's version of ACTS 20 28 is church of "Christ " not church of "GOD? " i really want to know what comes to his mind to change it from "GOD " to "CHRIST " reply Because God Has no BLOOD He is A Spirit
orlando sales jr.'s comment on 2014-09-29 01:36:29:
Mr.George Lamsa translation is the right one because christ was the one who died on the cross and gave his blood for the forgivenessof our sins.Christ is the head of the Church that 's why he is responsible for it 's salvation.
Judy's comment on 2014-08-16 08:36:00:
Does Acts 20 28 mean that the pastor can tell the members of the church if they can be in the choir teach ,etc?
nel babaran's comment on 2013-11-25 09:05:38:
what about the George Lamsa translation regarding Acts 20:28? what is the point of other commentators?
Rev. Autrey's comment on 2013-08-11 16:23:53:
"... Be sure that you feed and shepard God's flock ... purchased with his blood." God had to die for us for the following reasons. A man such as Noah or Daniel couldn't die because he, too, was under the death penalty. And to be a proper subsutitute required someone who was not under any such obligation.
An angel couldn't die for us because angels do not love us. The Bible declares that only God is love. And without love, no angel would have gone through with it. He would have stumbled along the way. Too, an angel would not have had the Spirit of God within him to give him the power and love he needed to resist sin as Jesus did. An angel would have sinned and forfeited his mission. Further, no angel's life is worth the value of the human race. They are created beings, too.
This leaves God, himself. God could do it because he is love: "God so loved the world." This love would compell him to lay down his life for us. Too, God's life is worth more than the value of all humans because the one who creates is always worth more than the created. The creater can make, destroy, and make again, while the created's life is always dependent on the creator.
james's comment on 2013-07-28 04:26:20:
hi, anyone...
why Mr. George Lamsa's version of ACTS 20:28 is church of "Christ" not church of "GOD?"
i really want to know what comes to his mind to change it from "GOD" to "CHRIST" ^_^