“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
King James Version (KJV)
Carla o psalms 91's comment on 2021-02-20 08:00:03:
Carla on psalms 91 ----To me this
(To dwell on the secret place). Is to be in the holy spirit as we pray.
Then we shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.And he will keep
You safe and protect you. This scripture always lift my soul.
Grace Oriola's comment on 2021-01-13 04:52:55:
To dwell in the secret place of the most high is a choice. Such person must belief and have faith in the Lord that He is fortress,his refuge .He has to trust God Almighty living a holy life.
Brenda's comment on 2020-07-26 20:18:46:
You are right but I prayer everyday and night until it is written on my heart and mind
Susan Williams Dew's comment on 2020-07-22 17:19:20:
My scripture
Balmlife's comment on 2020-07-09 08:08:00:
Saints of God, I have experienced God in a way that I cannot explain for the past 5 years. All that I can say is that if it had not been for God, I would have been destroyed. I personally can attest to the ability of my mighty God to shelter from the storms of life. Everyday He is teaching me how to dwell in His presence. Are there distractions? "Yes, but with the distractions, I hear His voice calling me deeper into His presence. He love us men and women of God. The more we need Him, the closer He is willing to come into our messes, turning our messes into moments of victory!
Sunday Ogechi Levinus Alaka's comment on 2020-06-13 06:07:28:
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty". He who dwells in the Secret Place of the Most High. God has a secret place for His own [Psalms 27:5, 31:20], and it is a Place to Live in. Those who dwell there abide under the shadow of the Almighty, knowing His Protection, Comfort and Care. Every Child of God looks towards, the inner Sanctuary and the Mercy-Seat, yet all do not dwell in the Most Holy place, they run to it at times, and enjoy occasional approaches, but they do not habitually reside in the mysterious Presence.
Olabode's comment on 2016-02-25 05:31:27:
To my own understanding, the word 'he' in this particular verse is not a general statement. That he means those that are committed to him and ready to serve and obey Him at any point in time. The secret place of the Most High in this context means His holy place, righteous place, faithful place, upright place, etc. And as many that are ready to dwell in that secret place shall abide under His shadow.
james's comment on 2015-07-14 21:08:15:
i have assurance that almighty god will keep me in highly secret place where god lives .
pastor Alex mensah's comment on 2015-04-20 10:30:59:
is a place were God hide his chlidren there.
Anthony Sims's comment on 2015-04-20 05:46:58:
God is close at all times. It is we who distance ourselves with all the life 's distraction. God once answered my prayers with YES, NO, or NOT NOW. I have drawn closer to Him now and have become aware that I am always in his presence. The answer to my prayers today is, WHAT HAS THIS GOT TO DO WITH FURTHERING MY KINGDOM? The more I know God the more responsibility he expects. And he will protect me.
Lynn McClendon's comment on 2015-04-14 09:16:06:
David knew there is a place where no one else can enter but you and God, so that makes it a secret because He is dwelling there with you us . I Praise His Name for such a Honor!!
MockingBird's comment on 2014-11-27 06:53:20:
I believe that the secret place of the most High is also in worship and also when I am abiding in His word. If I am where I ought not to be then I have no protection of God over my life God 's secret place is not known to those that do not believe only the ones that are His children know that secret place. A one on one relationship fellowship with our Lord God Almighty. Shekana Glory. The manifest presence of God. Where I draw my strength from Him and in believing Him through His word.
samuel Achebe's comment on 2014-07-21 01:55:38:
psm 91 is a very hopeful promise from God which gives us the curage to run into him as our refuge
Mawethu Bam's comment on 2014-01-05 06:55:11:
Indeed this scripture reveals how powerful is God's presence, and the keyword for us is DWELLETH, because it determines the results of, and testifies of God's presence.
Ntaoleng Moloi's comment on 2013-08-17 17:30:57:
It's a beautiful verse, I also say "The secret place" it talks of.. is the presence of God, where one can have a one-on-one moment with Him and just pour out the matters of the heart in secrecy to Him.
For me, it is the source of strength and it comes with the belief that God is with me at all times, in remembrance that his goodness always goes before me, I know.. so does His protection.
Caspart Yoanes's comment on 2013-06-20 01:28:15:
I believe the Secret Place of God this scripture is talking about is the Presence of God. When you are in the Presence of God, you are covered over by God's magnificent Glory.
sean maison's comment on 2012-01-05 03:16:02:
i firmly believe what god is saying about his secrit place is that,as long as u dwelleth in his secrit place he will hide you in the time of trouble,now ware is the secrit place? I BELIEVE HIS SECRIT PLACE IS WARE GODLY WORSHIP TAKES PLACE.
william baumgardner's comment on 2010-11-29 00:13:19:
i think that psalms91 is the greatness because it perpare us of what the evil trys to do agaist us or the wrong doing.