“Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is mount Zion, on the sides of the north, the city of the great King.”
King James Version (KJV)
David's comment on 2021-09-15 19:35:40:
Let us rejoice in the characteristics, and attributes of our Lord God Almighty. He is eternal, no beginning, no end. His Praise and glory reaches from the heavens to the ends of the earth to the depths of the oceans. He is greatly to be praised, and magnified. God is declared throughout the world and all of nature. He is known for His loving attributes, and holiness that surround Him. Although all grace and power are in His arms; his touch is never-the-tender, righteous, and comforting. His wisdom is all encompassing, but is easily entreated and soothing to the mind of men, especially to the saved and to the tender, humble, and faithful in spirit. Your loving kindness is a beacon to us to be bold, yet humble before your throne of grace. Thank you Lord for your Greatness and Tender Mercies. Bless us as we learn to look for your coming, and accomplish your will as you tarry. Bless our president and all those in need of your salvation in order to carry out your will and not our own.
Make us to be bold and forth right to declare the glory of God and the Salvation of the Lord before we go into eternity. Help us to keep the whole counsel of God, the Lord Jesus Christ
September 2021.
Clive Hutchinson's comment on 2014-12-20 05:22:59:
What does it mean when it speak about the city of the north
Felis's comment on 2010-01-12 22:15:29:
This is the hope of every believer in Jesus Christ to experience the full joy,when we inherit our beautiful home in Zion-see Rev 21:1-4. The head quarter of our God is mount Zion located on the north side where believer can find safety and protection.