“I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.”
King James Version (KJV)
Chris's comment on 2020-11-24 17:38:20:
When a person is saved from his/her sins through Jesus Christ, it means that God declares us not guilty & spares us from eternal punishment. This happens because Jesus, in His great Love, stepped in as our substitute giving His Life so that we might be spared. But if our salvation from sin's penalty stopped there, then we would still be failures in this world of evil & temptations. Our old sins would have been dealt with but we would not have the Power of God in us to resist further sin & enjoy God's ministry to our lives.
That is why God gave us His Holy Spirit to indwell us: He seals us as God's children, teaches, comforts, guides, gives power over sin & many more blessings. But one of the greatest blessings from the Spirit is that he sanctifies us (i.e. sets us apart, makes us holy) before the Father. So the fullness of God also means the fullness of His Holiness is within us. Where the problem starts is when the believer begins to stifle the Spirit, or entertain sin in the life, & the Spirit no longer has full control. We are still holy people (1 Peter 2:9) but the Spirit of Holiness no longer reigns in the person's life. But when we repent & subsequently been forgiven & brought back into full fellowship with God, we can exclaim with the Psalmist, also "restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation" (Psalm 51:12a). Joy is the clear product of a life of confessed & forgiven sin & walking in step with the Spirit of God.
Jenny's comment on 2020-11-24 11:23:25:
Does God give each person a portion of holiness are do we find it through his spirit. I have always thought this.
MockingBird's comment on 2014-12-07 05:18:49:
Frank on 2013, 8 30 You said it exactly right . I agree with you wholeheartedly. When I am in right standing with my Lord I can call upon Him and Praise Him for His great deliverance and I shall be saved from my enemies. The last enemy of mine will be death and then death hath no more dominion over me . Praise God forever more !!!!
frank's comment on 2013-08-30 01:06:26:
its a psalm of assurance and trust in the potency of our Lord and God. its a good depiction that God gives the ultimate protection from those who oppose our course. the selective terminology builds in me a sentiment and sobriety that when i choose to surrender to the Most High and depend upon His power, i am placed in that position that He moves in to defend my course and life so that them who oppose my advancement are quitened. its a build up for peace for then He secures my borders.