“MEM. O how love I thy law! it is my meditation all the day.”
King James Version (KJV)
Mike D's comment on 2015-08-31 17:30:22:
David said, O how I love your law. I looked at this, and at first glance, this verse didn't seem to significant, however as I stayed with it, it came alive. Only the redeemed of the Lord will have a love for His word. God's word condemns us, it reveals the sin in our lives and it shows us how short we come from God's standard. Have you noticed that your unsaved friend or love one get real uncomfortable when you share God's word. When someone get saved they change their mind and begin to have a love for God's word because in it they get to know the one that has saved them. David ends the verse saying "it's my meditation all the day," Some of the benefits will be seen in the next few verses.
Dickson's comment on 2013-08-27 08:41:43:
God word is so powerful that it can change a man's life for ever.