“I thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.”
King James Version (KJV)
Tressa Nicholas's comment on 2015-08-28 00:49:16:
I just thank God for this scripture clarification through this explanation or break down ..Amen
Mike D's comment on 2015-06-18 05:32:38:
This is one of my favorite verses In Psalms 119. David penned words that best sum up a consistent Christian walk. I believed David was saying that he was ordering his life through what was written in scripture. He said he thought on his ways. I believe that 's everything he would involve himself in, not just moral issues, but the decisions of life. The thinking would involve praying and then turning to reading God 's word for direction. That would be the turning of the feet to God 's testimonies. The end result would be the stamp of God 's approval.
Timothy Wayne George's comment on 2013-01-24 05:49:10:
King David said I thought on my ways, and turned my feet toward thy statutes. Jehovah God wants us to consider our ways, and make sure they are in step with His commandments. If we go astray, we must be quick to repent, and turn our feet to the statutes of God. The scripture teaches that if God kept a record of sin, who would be able to stand? Yet there is forgiveness with God. So create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit in me. By doing this we keep our feet on the straight and narrow pathway that we must walk.