“I have chosen the way of truth: thy judgments have I laid before me.”
King James Version (KJV)
Mike D's comment on 2015-06-08 17:32:51:
This verse is a continuation of verse 29. In verse 29 he 's requesting God to remove the way of lying from him and now he is choosing the way of truth. I like this verse. Going the way of truth is a definite choice. There is no way this is going to happen without a resolve to do so. When a person has no commitment to live like this, they will always take the road of least resistance. Living like that Daniels 3 friends would have bowed to the golden statue. Joseph would have slept with Potifar 's wife or Daniel would have stop praying. These all had resolve to go the way of truth. What the psalmist did to ensure he stayed on that path was to lay God 's judgments before him. Being able always to reflect on these, he would be able to see any consequences for wrong doing as well as seeing the great benefit for choosing the way of truth.