“NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”
King James Version (KJV)
Kristi Ann's comment on 2020-03-27 15:29:02:
I Love this Holy Bible verse!!
Mangani lungu's comment on 2015-08-29 23:10:38:
God is faithful when we sin unto him he faith what a God is powerful God is wonderful.God is our reedem forever and forever.Let it be so
MockingBird's comment on 2014-09-10 07:01:26:
When I walk in the light of His word I shall not stumble . The light of His word lightens my way that I should walk therein. I Praise God for His word . I cannot express rightly how much He means to me . I am so Grateful and Thankful for His wonderful salvation He has provided through Jesus Christ . I am Thankful to have a copy of His word.
John tyson's comment on 2014-01-15 05:47:29:
His word will illuminate our way as we are going.waiting on his leading is usually as we go on our journey we invite the Holy Spirit to show us how we can put into practice his word we have hidden in our heart . He wants his light to shine in us and through us and let the sword cut those things out of us that we don't need .
Kathy Johnson's comment on 2013-12-31 14:39:43:
This is my favorite verse and I will always charish it's words and love them all of my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This verse is a true inspiration to me. It reminds me not to worry about my life and go on with my life. Good job!! Now that's a good job!!
phylliew's comment on 2012-12-09 01:12:07:
This verse is a true inspiration to me. It reminds me that I should not worry about my life as long as I sincerely read and follow the bible.