“And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table.”
King James Version (KJV)
Bob's comment on 2020-12-27 08:28:33:
Thank you, Chris. After reading the passage, I too was a bit unsure of its meaning. Your input was very helpful!
biblefan's comment on 2020-12-15 14:05:58:
being called a dog is not flattering - but much less flattering is reading the commandments/exhortations of the bible and realizing how little i've taken heed of them, or have fallen short of my duties - an honest read of the bible is no ego trip
Phil Martin's comment on 2020-11-24 15:35:52:
Thank you Chris for your explanation. This passage has always stumped me and your explanation makes total sense.
Chris's comment on 2020-11-24 14:44:35:
In this passage (Matthew 15:22-28), a Canaanitish woman approached Jesus about her demon afflicted daughter. However, since she was not from the "house of Israel", Jesus focused his ministry only to the Jews. It might appear harsh that He appeared to reject her pleas, but Jesus never erred in what He said or did, but that this situation might have a larger blessing. He reminded her (& she knew this), that the "bread (blessings) meant for the children (Israel) were not meant to be given to dogs (a term often used by the Jews for the gentile nations).
So, in spite of Jesus telling the woman that his ministry was only to Israel, He waited to hear her response. She was so overcome with her daughter's condition, that she continue to press Him to act in spite of her being a gentile woman. She said that she would willingly accept whatever Jesus could offer to her (as the crumbs of bread that fall off the (Jews) table). Such was her persistence - such was her faith - and Jesus noticed this & accordingly from that very hour, the woman's daughter was released from the demonic activity. I believe that Jesus already knew what He would do for that woman - He wanted to bring her to the point of an active persistent faith. She could have just accepted Jesus' initial refusal to help her because she was a gentile & gone away sad. But real faith demands an active pursuit, that something not only can happen but will happen. She was blessed by having & using that faith.
Phil Martin's comment on 2020-11-24 07:57:12:
What does this mean - but even the dogs are allowed to eat the scraps that fall beneath their master's table" (Matthew 15:24, 27).
victor otubu's comment on 2015-08-24 05:54:01:
Please kindly buttress the significance of the word ''And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crums which fall from their master's table''.