“Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”
King James Version (KJV)
joseph's comment on 2015-05-27 08:55:48:
healing the sick raising the dead and cleansing the lepers and casting out devils are signs of those who believe in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST and is evidence that the kingdom of GOD is at hand and that we are under a new covenant of the blood of JESEUS Christ our Lord and redeemer to whom be praise and glory and honor forever amen.
Bro. Davis's comment on 2015-04-07 08:43:02:
Matthew 10:8, We are called to serve the Lord our Great Physician and Redeemer. He has given us his free gift of his spirit Holy Ghost to be healed ourselves and be redeemed through his blood. He calls ALL his disciples to go in the spirit and heal the sick and has given us the same spirit that was in him to cast out devils, raise the dead, heal all manner of diseases in his name Jesus. We can not do it in our own flesh or through our own will, it is ONLY through the Holy Ghost he has freely given us this ability and power to heal and to help others! I know because I am one of his. He has not redeemed us and given us his spirit to just sit on it, but rather we are commissioned to go and use the spirit to reach others and to heal others using that spirit Holy Ghost . Amen
john allen jester Jr.'s comment on 2015-04-06 18:17:21:
I 'm living proof he is still with us I died over 7 days and now 6 years later here I still am praise the LORD JESUS CHRIST!!!
Brianna's comment on 2015-01-08 03:52:35:
All the things Jesus did for other such as healing them , and he did It FOR FREE! Jehovah supplies everyone a free supply of Holy Spirit, he never charged anyone money. Jesus being the perfect reflection of his father! Didn 't charge anyone either. It is very puzzling to me, how being a pastor or priest has become a Job, literally! Members of the Church PAY THE PASTOR to tell them what they want to hear.
Anonymous's comment on 2014-02-06 06:34:18:
All scripture are inspiration of the Holy Ghost.
We should obey the comandement of God to pray for the sick .
siribour's comment on 2013-09-22 14:21:40:
This is our Jesus showing to us the power He has over sickness,demons,leprosy, the dead and everything on this earth and at His name everything bow and confess that He is Lord over everything.May His name be praised. Amen.