“But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”
King James Version (KJV)
Mishael's comment on 2020-08-19 14:10:57:
You have to read all 4 gospels (the Harmony) and the book of Acts to find these things out.
Read the center column references beside the verses for extra information.
You'll find that (Judas) Iscariot was written in a prophesy from Psalms. Jesus knew Judas would betray Him, upfront.
Some things you can google and find out how Jesus added each disciple into "the twelve". How they died, etc.
Mercelline Lunda's comment on 2020-08-19 02:38:17:
Jesus names his disciples in matthew 10:2-4. The first five disciples have been mentioned in the previous chapters as stated below:-
Simon Peter and Andrew matt 4:18
James son of Zebedee and John matt 4:21
Matthew the tax collector matt:9:9
Where is it written in the bible how he got the other seven?
Phillip and Bartholomeo
James son of Alphaeus
Simon the cananite
Judas Iscariot
williem's comment on 2020-08-17 14:29:55:
Shalom katoa,with out The Holy Spirit in a Believers Life he is lost.
Dinesh Haribhai's comment on 2020-04-12 08:23:58:
Truth, most of the false prophets that is on T B N have denied JESUS CHRIST.
Gurjit Singh's comment on 2014-12-30 17:28:28:
Jesus is telling us that he can help only those people who do not deny his instructions that God has sent through him.If you do not walk on these instructions I will be unable to help you in the court of God.Instructions are simple living,love everyone,beware of sex,be honest,and give a big time in prayer by self daily.
Norm's comment on 2014-08-31 05:42:36:
Jesus curses those who curse him. It 's an eye for an eye concept. There 's no forgiveness and no everlasting love from his father who will also deny you and cast you into the lake of eternal fire. Jesus is revengeful and his father executes the revenge.