“For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.”
King James Version (KJV)
marvin's comment on 2014-12-15 12:12:18:
The scripture is powerful to the ones who believe if we love one another in deed and in truth,we hereby know that we are of the truth.we got to be led by the holy spirit,seek god and let the holy spirit lead and guide us.God 's spirit bear witness with our spirit when we cry out to him ex. "GOD HAVE MERCY " when we believe, the holy spirit comes into our heart, we got to believe in his word.If we believe a change in our life will take place. "FAITH " HEAL ME,O LORD AND I WILL BE HEALED,SAVE ME AND I WILL BE SAVED,FOR YOU ARE THE ONE I PRAISE.
Tim's comment on 2014-12-11 16:52:43:
God always looks on the heart, if our hearts are right with Him God may be faster to answer are prayers. Every trail we face is an opportunity to grow in faith. God also commands that when we ask ask according to his will, and not according to our lusts. Whether God chooses to heal or not it is His prerogative. What God wants is that all mankind be saved and come to the knowledge of him. God says are reward is in the next life not now. Godliness with contentment is great gain always be thankful for what we have for we really do not deserve anything.
Swaroop kumar raju thera's comment on 2014-10-11 04:25:34:
in the world faith is biggest.
Shirley's comment on 2014-09-28 15:28:17:
I found this verse to be filled with power for the saint, but how can one use it to move a problem in her marriage? How do you speak to that mountain of disrespect, deception, and ungratefulness, that no matter how good you treat the person you get this in return?
ashila's comment on 2014-06-15 20:35:06:
It powerful verse to me. I use this verse to stand in hard time. Prayers answered .
Epelt's comment on 2013-06-26 18:36:24:
Mark 11:23 is one of the most powerful scripture in the new testament it gives me so much faith and hope that no matter what comes my way I will come out on top.
ben weaver's comment on 2011-01-21 17:52:38:
V.23 I think life has many hills for us to climb over, but mountains that hinder us from walking in God's perfect will must be spoken to with the authority we have in Jesus. However, I recently read and liked a comment with a different view of this verse. Jesus said "THIS MOUNTAIN", not just any mountain. He may have been refering to Himself and his kingdom. Dan. 2:35 indicates that our Lord's kingdom "became a great mountain". Might Jesus have been saying that his followers shall proclaim his kingdom to be hurled into the sea of humanity. He had just caused the fig tree (type of Israel) to wither by speaking to it - hense the new kingdom to be spoken into being would be fitting. A mountain in the sea would also provide solid ground to save those drowning. Jesus did send his followers to proclaim the kingdom of God. This is food for thought.
KSmith's comment on 2010-10-20 17:20:45:
This scripture is very powerful. This lets us know that as Christians all we need is Faith and believe what we speak and as long as we believe and dont doubt we can ask what we will and it will be given unto us...You should find faith in that because God cannot and will not lie...
Eleanor's comment on 2010-02-16 16:48:43:
Strong scripture gives me faith and hope