“Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.”
King James Version (KJV)
Silas's comment on 2020-07-11 05:54:45:
To God is power,Jesus is love comment above.jesus said ,I have come in my father's name.if you see the son you see the father.Jesus said ,all power is been given to me.for there is no other name under heaven where by we must be saved.Do every thing in word and deed,do everything in the name of Jesus.we pray over the sick in that name.we bless our meals in that name.we suppose to baptize in that name,but a lot of us dont.we need to pray over everything in Jesus name.you see Jesus is the Father,He is the Son and He is the HolySpirit.because these three are One.
Lisa Willis's comment on 2015-09-04 01:42:26:
I believe and trust in the word of GOD, I believe and trust in this verse. As long as I we have GOD, no man can hurt us. Man can take everything from you, but not your soul. GOD will Always Win! And I will stand firm and fight till the end. Because my eternal life is with my Heavenly Father.
philip godfrey's comment on 2014-08-17 09:00:51:
I believe He 's talking about men, loosing their faith, because of all those things that He talked about, men will loose their faith to fear.
vijayfans's comment on 2013-09-25 00:31:07:
God is great & Jesus is love
mondo's comment on 2013-03-10 22:43:26:
2 Peter 3:10 is the same event as is Matthew 24:29, the heavens shall be shaken, the sun goes out and the moon turns red and then every living human will die and those who are saved will be with Christ. And those who are not of the resurrection are in their graves. The universe will melt with fervent heat the earth also. This is at the end but not before Christ stands on the mount of olives and it splits in two, Israel is defended by Christ and Satan is put in the bottomless pit.