“Say unto them, Whosoever he be of all your seed among your generations, that goeth unto the holy things, which the children of Israel hallow unto the LORD, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from my presence: I am the LORD.”
King James Version (KJV)
GiGi's comment on 2023-01-13 14:52:53:
Thank you, Indeed Paul often refers to the statutes and ordinances in Leviticus in his writings to illustrate how Jesus fulfilled all that these fore-shadowed.
fredscanlan's comment on 2023-01-13 09:55:55:
The Levites where appointed to prepare the tabernacle, and were in charge of moving it, while the people made their way into the promised land. Aaron, Moses brother would be the high priest, along with His sons, two of whom were devoured at the alter for disobedience. Understanding the different offerings will enlighten the reader into the writings of the Pauline letters, since we know that Paul was a Pharisee of all Pharisee's. All His writings are enhanced and illustrated with the use of this book. His words are interweaved with the sacraments of the alter, enlightening the reader of the true meaning of the blood and its purpose in sanctifying the soul of souls (the congregation) who bring it. How these sacrifices can never make us perfect, while we see Jesus who has become the perfect one from all eternity. The prophesied one. The Messiah, who would come to reconcile His people and those of the gentile nations ,once and for all .
Moses had been given a great responsibility, making sure that Gods will would be done. Sin offerings would be an important part of keeping the congregation( the future church ) in one mind, knowing the importance of the alter and the sinful nature of man! Consecrating the Nation into one!
GiGi's comment on 2023-01-12 16:03:08:
Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22 HOLINESS IS FROM THE LORD
God sovereignly chose to set apart the priests from the others in order for them to perform special tasks. He wanted them to know that in order for them to perform these special tasks before God they had to remain undefiled because of God's innate holiness. God had a higher standard for the priests because He had sacred tasks for them to do-making sacrifices and offerings for the people and for themselves because of man's innate sinfulness. This is the reason they had a higher standard to avoid defilement. not because they were more righteous than any other Israelite, but because God is holy and both the sacrifice and the offerer must be holy before the LORD.
The Scribes and the Pharisees did not conform themselves to the Word of God. They, instead, conformed the Word of God to their liking. Rather than being aware of their persistent sinfulness and their ongoing need for a sacrifice to remove their sin, they saw themselves as having made themselves holy and were deserving of God's blessing. Rather than see themselves put in a position of privilege by God, they saw that they had this position by right. Rather than seeing their ministry as a service to God and the people, they saw it as their right to have a higher status. We are in the same way when we do not allow Scriptures to convict us but rather use Scriptures to elevate ourselves.
Both priests and sacrifices had to be perfect. Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was both the perfect high priest and perfect sacrifice that these Levitical laws foreshadowed. Unlike the religious leaders in Jesus' time and us at times, He fulfilled these sacred roles and tasks perfectly, effectually, and comprehensively. His priestly sacrifice of Himself once and for all made holy all who trust in His work on their behalf. We add nothing to our holiness and right standing before God. But Jesus supplies everything for it. And we can be ever thankful to Him.
GiGi's comment on 2023-01-12 15:45:06:
Leviticus Chapters 21 & 22 Legalism continued
Having come to this false conclusion, then one could reason, like the Scribes and Pharisees that it was one's own works that made himself righteous. It was this attitude that the Lord said characterized His opponents. Jesus used the parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector praying to God to illustrate that the attitude of self-righteousness does not justify anyone.
The Scribes and the Pharisees were wrong on two accounts. First, they were wrong to think that they were righteous (Mt. 5:20; 7:15). Secondly, they were wrong in attributing righteousness to their own efforts. They thought their righteousness was the results of their efforts to obey the commands of Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22.
Then what did God intend to teach the priests by giving them these commands to avoid any outward corruption or defilement in these chapters? He was teaching them that He is the one who makes them holy. " I am the LORD who sanctifies you?" God said this 6 times. It was God who set the priests apart, sanctifying them. The priests did not sanctify themselves. God commanded the priest to avoid outward defilement because He had already made them holy. They were told to avoid the things that would make them unclean not that avoiding these things would make them clean.
Salvation-cleansing from sin-is a work of God alone. Keeping ourselves pure is our duty enabled by the Holy Spirit so we do not defile what God has cleansed. That is why the Apostle John tells us that if we sin, we are to confess our sin, and God is faithful and just to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9). We are to seek to stay clean, not to make ourselves clean. Only God can do that.
Holiness is not contagious. We don't acquire it from others. It cannot be transmitted by us to others nor by contact with "holy things". But defilement can be caught, and this God warns the priests about coming in contact with unholy. Holiness only comes from God.
GiGi's comment on 2023-01-12 15:25:15:
Leviticus Chapters 21 & 22 continued..
As spiritual leaders they should have been even more sensitive to the exemplifying the mercy and love of God towards their kinsmen, at the least. Humility, not pride, was the mark of God's leaders. The commands of Leviticus 21 and 22 was given to assure a greater sensitivity to sin and corruption on the part of the priests, not to promote a sense of pride and arrogance, as though they were better people because God had required more of them.
The second error they made was that of Externalism. The things that contaminated the priests in chapter 21 and 22 and thus were to be avoided were not flaws of character or even conduct (sins) but were ceremonial defilement. It would be easy to falsely equate ceremonial purity (holiness) for ritual cleanness. the Scribes and the Pharisees thought that holiness was largely a matter of keeping away from defilement and, especially, sinners. Jesus taught that defilement comes not from without, but from within, from the heart. (Mk 7:14-15, 20-23). Evil attitudes lead to evil actions.
We must search for meaning in O. T. that goes past the concrete, external, and literal to the heart of the matter. The Scribes and Pharisees failed to do this. This is precisely where they went wrong. They did not take the Law far enough, stopping at the level of concrete (don't touch) the obvious, and the observable. They stopped and the external without pressing in to the internal issues of the heart. God gave the law to deal with man on both of these levels, but primarily to lead to the internal. The Scribes and Pharisees stopped short of getting to the wickedness within themselves.
Their third error was that of Legalism. They had a mindset of works righteousness. One might conclude like the Scribes and Pharisees did that if one was able to avoid the defilements of Leviticus chapters 21 and 22 that he would then be holy.
GiGi's comment on 2023-01-12 15:04:58:
Leviticus Chapters 21 and 22
These two chapters go together since they are God's commands for the priests and the high priest concerning how they are to avoid defilement. The emphasis in these commands is that those who are to present themselves before God in prayer or service must acknowledge His holiness and their own need for it also.
These commands were instructive to the Aaronic priesthood in the time of the Exodus as well as going forward through the time of Jesus. And then, for the church, there is application, as well.
In Jesus' time, the Scribes and Pharisees were the religious leaders of the Jews. Many of them were priests in the line of Aaron. Jesus and these leaders had many confrontations and Jesus exposed the false ideas of these leaders again and again.
Concerning the topic of Leviticus 21 and 22 the religious leaders adopted several false ideas concerning the priestly requirements to avoid defilement.
First among their errors was Elitism. They believed that the priests were in a class by themselves above the rest of the Jews. They avoided contact with the common folk and were fastidious about not outwardly breaking any of the commands of Moses, especially the laws concerning defilement of their bodies. They measured personal holiness in terms of keeping ceremonially and ritual purity. The holiness of God is to be manifested in obedience to God's commands and in loving their neighbor as themselves, as Jesus taught. But the Scribes and Pharisees thought that holiness was obtained by maintaining a separateness from all things that could defile them, which included most of their kinsmen. The went to great lengths to avoid contamination because they thought they were holier than the common people.
Certainly, as leaders, God holds them to higher standards because of their service to Him and the people. But this does not mean that they are holier than anyone else.But they viewed themselves as the spiritually elite and were prideful in the ways
Rick's comment on 2021-12-09 11:48:36:
Earl I know you love God so that being said I'm Good and as long as the outcome is Gods Will its all good.
Rick's comment on 2021-12-09 10:43:48:
Earl He believed the religious leaders and acted to the adversaries benefit which would have been prophecy
concerning the Messiah thank God Joseph believed what God told him and moved when he was told. That
the scriptures may be fulfilled.
Earl Bowman's comment on 2021-12-09 10:09:55:
Brother Jesse, I will agree, I know God can make physical things appear to only certain people, not everyone saw the physical dove that alighted on Christ nor heard the voice. The two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and their eyes were holden.
As I said before, whichever way it was, it was the WORKS OF GOD. This all we have to agree on.
God Bless You.
Earl Bowman's comment on 2021-12-09 09:44:03:
Brother Rick, if Herod didn't believe, why did he send soldiers to Bethlehem and kill all the children 2 years old and younger.
They may have been sold out religious leaders but they knew the Scriptures, they knew were the promised messiah was to be born. That's why Herod went to Bethlehem and not some other town.
The real reason Herod went and killed the children is because IT WAS WRITTEN in the prophets, and God's words will not return unto him void but will be fulfilled.
Jeremiah 3:15 Thus saith the Lord, A voice was heard in Ramah, lamentation, and bitter weeping, Rahel weeping for her children refused to be comforted for her children, which are not.
God Bless you.
Jesse's comment on 2021-12-09 09:08:25:
I believe it was a physical star, not just a vision given to the Magi. As you properly indicate, Herod would not have seen this star as indicated in Matthew 2:7. This star never appeared to Herod. I believe this star only appeared to a certain group of individuals (Magi?), and the reason I come to this conclusion is from Matthew 2:7 where Herod asks "what time the star appeared," in the Greek text it literally reads "What time of the appearing star."
You might think it's being too technical to be literal, but that's literally how the Greek text reads. It was the appearing and the disappearing star. It is a word that describes what kind of star it was. So literally, in the Greek text, he says "What time of the appearing star?"
I just thought I would share this piece of information with you. I'm not trying to bounce back and forth playing dancing with the stars!
Rick's comment on 2021-12-09 07:35:35:
Earl Herod is not going to tell someone to follow something that he didn't believe in that makes
no sense, and the people that were giving him information were sold out religious leaders!
Rick's comment on 2021-12-09 07:23:51:
Earl Again you don't read what's written never said physical star, have a nice day. I f you read scripture
the way you read comments it explains a lot.
Earl Bowman's comment on 2021-12-09 07:13:19:
Brother Rick, if his star was a physical star it would have been visible to all people, Herod would not have ask the wise men to return and tell him where they found the Christ child, he could have followed the star as did the wise men.
Luke 2:9 And when they had heard the king, they departed; and lo, the star, which they say in the east went before them, till it came and stood over where the child was.
I really don't dwell much on this, because either way, It was the WORKS OF GOD.
Rick's comment on 2021-12-08 23:26:43:
Earl Psalm 147:4 He telleth the number of the stars, he calleth them all by names. In Genesis 1:14 and God
said let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from night anfd let them be for sings and
for seasons and for days and for years. The word signs is the hebrew word avah [to mark something specifically]
an event to take place.
In antiquity the names of the stars were given Psalms 147:4 again he calleth the stars by names, and those
names are specific by design Gods. The greeks called stars planets wandering asteres in there close location are so close we can follow there motion. The magi over a few years time were watching a planetary conjunction that involved
mercury messenger planet with venus the bright and morning star planet with Regulus known as heart of the lion i.e.
lion of Judah and finally Jupiter which is known as the Kings planet also Hebrew name is ssedeq meaning righteousness.
these planets in the rotation got within .23 degrees of each other and would have appeared as one single bright star.
The magi would have known this because the Persians studied the heavens in depth, also some of them worshipped
the wrong way. Also this planetary conjunction happened over bethlehem in the constellation virgo i.e. virgin on the elliptical horizon. Look that one up Earl.
Earl Bowman's comment on 2021-12-08 21:08:22:
Amen Brother Jesse, I agree with all you said, but if it was a physical star seen by everyone, then Herod could have also seen it. Herod didn't seem to be aware of the star.
His star was revealed only to the magi, possibly IN VISION as with the prophets of old. If this was the case then it would have been by the Spirit of Christ.
Jeff's comment on 2021-12-08 19:57:59:
I think you meant to say the 12 stars represent the "whole house of Israel", not just the house of Israel = 10 N. tribes.
The house of Judah = 3 S. tribes, Judah, Benjamin and Levi.
Jesse's comment on 2021-12-08 19:10:28:
No offence, but I don't believe you have your stars "lined up" properly. The star that the Magi followed in Matthew Chapter 2 which led them to the Christ child was not Christ. In Matthew 2:2, these Magi called it "his star." This star was not Christ Himself, but it was his star. It was not a star that was already in the heavens that used to kind of move around a little bit to get some people's attention. It was a special star that was an indication to the Magi. It was "His star." It was Jesus' star.
The star came and stood over Bethlehem and they (The Magi) actually followed the star. It was a guiding star and when it stopped over Bethlehem, they knew that that was the place where the Christ child was. They had no other way of finding their way other than to follow the star. Christ was already approximately a year old and living in a house by the time the Magi arrived in Bethlehem. I know we are getting close to Christmas and I hope I do not cause anyone to return their manger scene back to Walmart by what I'm about to say, but Jesus was not a baby lying in a manger when the wise men arrived, and it wasn't just three wise men either.
You did mention Revelation 22:16. I believe that is referring to Christ but I just don't see how you are connecting that to the star mentioned in Matthew Chapter 2? The bright and morning star is completely different than the star that led the Magi to Christ.
Mishael's comment on 2021-12-08 18:00:03:
There is much more info on the woman clothed with the sun. Gevte DOT com
GiGi's comment on 2021-12-07 13:08:32:
Sorry, I don't buy that the star was Christ, since the star come to rest was over where the magi visited the babe. Therefore, I believe that the star was some type of miraculous light in the heavens that could travel and then stay put.