“For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
King James Version (KJV)
Doug's comment on 2020-04-26 11:32:18:
I was wrong about the blood as one pointed out in Acts 15:20 and 29, but the ceremonial laws are done away in Christ. That is why we have the New Testament.
Doug's comment on 2020-04-26 11:27:18:
We are not under the ceremonial laws now. Timothy 4:4
Dr. Michael T. Burch's comment on 2015-07-02 22:11:46:
For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. Answer:I think we can all agree that the Live of the Flesh is in the Blood. God was explaining the importance of the Blood and why the blood will be a payment for the sins done in the flesh. He called it atonement for our souls. Ransom for poor choices and decision. Our souls are our Will, Desire, Emotion, Intellect and etc. So the blood pays for all of these, which is in the Soul from poor decision. This was the foundational principle of the sacrifices that was given for our sins at the altar. It was a shadow of that which was to come: It was the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world! That Lamb was Jesus the Christ the true salvation of the world. Christ s sacrifice takes the sins and the power of sin and death away for good from man once and for all. No more do we have to sacrifice animal s precious blood for our sins. No more do we have to receive the judgment for our sins. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life. Jesus paid it in full!
Mike's comment on 2014-05-12 08:51:37:
Donating blood, peoples donate blood that the life of another in the flesh may be saved through their blood, the life is in the blood and life is light, yet we are not saved through blood, the life is in the blood and life is light through the spirit of anybody else, but we are saved through the blood, the life is in the blood life is light, through the spirit of christ, and we do not have life through the flesh but through the spirit, whats most important to peoples on earth is that we repent in truth in life and accept christ as lord and hold steadfast to the ways of the son, the holy living ways of light and life, that we may be brought out of sin and death and into righteouness and life in the spirit that we may have true life in the spirit.
Mike's comment on 2014-05-12 08:35:53:
How do peoples become ill, they become ill because of sin, how do peoples sin? Such is not through the ways of the son the holy living ways of light and life through the holy spirit of light and life through Christ, through god the father working through them,the ways of the son, to be kind, caring, sharing, loving, peaceful, patient, humble, truthful, merciful, god loving, such are of the holy spirit, are of Christ, of god the father, such is through the ways of man the unholy ways of darkness and death the tares, the ways of man, the spirit of fear, greed, lust, jealousy, hate, deception, impatience, anger, temptation, doubt, such are of the unholy spirit, of the antichrist, the devil, they are the tares, it 's they that sin, and its through them peoples become ill, we all need to be rebuke such ways at every turn in jesus name, god cannot sin, sin is in opposition to the holy spirit to christ to god the father.
mike's comment on 2014-05-10 07:06:41:
Speaking of Christ, what was in him was life and that life was the light of men, life is light, his life and light is the life and light of men, and he is the true life and light which gives life and light to all those who come into the world, Mary did not become pregnant through Mary or Joseph or any flesh, but through god the farther through the spirit, and its god the son that entered her womb, Christ was born through the womb of Mary, but the spirit that was in Christ, that Christ is, is through god the farther, Christ is begotten of the farther through the farther, Christ is the true light life and holy spirit through the farther who is the true light life and holy spirit who gives light life and holy the spirit to all those who come into the world, when a child is formed in the womb the child receives the holy spirit of light and life through Christ who is the true light life and holy spirit, through god the farther who is the true light life and holy spirit, this is how we are alive, this is how we have life, when we are born into the world we are turned over to sin and death and become led by that spirit which is of the antichrist which is of the devil, but we are saved by repenting in truth in life and accepting christ as lord and saviour the person who truly does this, such is through the holy spirit of light and life through christ through god working through them, they take holy communion they take christ into their hearts, the darkness cannot be where the true light of life is, that spirit which is of the antichrist which is of the devil is cast down, as their sins are cleansed from them are cast down through christ through god the father, they are transfomed are made anew are reborn in the spirit and are no longer led by that spirit which is of the antichrist which is of the devil, but are led by the holy spirit, by christ by god the father.
k e syam's comment on 2014-03-05 07:13:02:
yes correct jesus saves me with his own blood
Dalli kambonde's comment on 2013-11-20 12:59:56:
what about donating blood now?
Bro Herbert's comment on 2013-09-12 01:04:06:
Yes is very correct that the life of the "Natural man" is in the blood, because these man is born only of natural efforts. Since ADAM disobeyed GOD and was separated from the life of GOD (Became spiritually dead and started living from the senses which are control by SATAN).
Now the man that is "BORN AGAIN" has inherited the ETERNAL LIFE OF GOD (1 JOHN 5:11-13) by vital reality of the son-ship, which is produced by legal reality of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST taking our place of sin and death that we may take HIS place of LIFE and RIGHTEOUSNESS. Thus; the new man' life is no longer in the blood but in the spirit (Romans 8:11)...............Thanx and GOD bless
Wes Epp's comment on 2013-07-26 08:07:15:
Yes, life is in the blood. It is thought that cleansing the blood can cure many diseases. Organs like the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system carry out the important function of detoxifying or cleansing the blood. By keeping the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system in optimal condition we can avoid many diseases.
Aimee's comment on 2013-01-04 22:06:00:
It's very true! Also, this is prophetic of Christ.