“And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints,”
King James Version (KJV)
Bob Grove's comment on 2020-09-06 11:47:23:
Jude verse 3 plainly states that the FAITH was once delivered unto the NT saints , this is the Doctrine of Christ and of the Apostles.
Nothing more is needed .
2 Timothy 3 . 16 Confirms this .
My question is where is the Trinity doctrine found in the bible ?
This is the actual teaching and importance to follow the teaching .
Who said it in the Bible .
Yes we know that Jesus is one with the father . As he said he came from God , the Son of God come in the flesh . and never sinned as a man . He was the first of His kind , . That's not my question.
Thanks I will wait .
Bob Grove's comment on 2020-07-15 20:39:58:
Verse 4
Verse 10
Verse 18
Verse 19
Verse 25
Read the whole book this is so prevalent today , Adultery in the church ! And guess who is responsible. These false teachers.
Keith Christian's comment on 2020-06-29 20:16:20:
One who is a believer is born of the Spirit.
bob Hilt's comment on 2020-04-02 12:29:02:
Read Matthew 24 and look at all the earthquakes lately. Look into the Noahide laws that is on the books in America. They are not currently being enforced yet. Ask where the noahide laws are in the Bible. The laws given to Noah. They exist only in the minds of rabbis. look into the punishment for breaking the noahide laws and then read revelation 20:4 rnthen ask that question again. People have been saying it is the end times for hundreds of years. however every day is a day closer.
Vicki's comment on 2020-04-02 10:42:53:
Are we in the end times?
Sew's comment on 2015-01-12 15:26:59:
This is what we have been teaching. No, the 66 books are not the only books in the Bible--there are more the contemporary belief groups do not have--the Book of Enoch, preserved by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Let 's learn more.
Rev. Autrey's comment on 2013-08-02 07:30:13:
Jude was the brother of Jesus, and this is what he said about him. "Look, the Lord (Jesus) is coming with thousands of his holy ones. He will bring the people of the world to judgment. He will convict the ungodly of all the evil things they have done in rebellion and of all the insults that godless sinners have spoken against him. Earlier he said of the angels that "God has kept them chained in prisons of darkness waiting for the day of judgment." This proves that Jesus and God are the same. Because it is Jesus, as God, who comes and judge the world.
It means further that Jesus cannot be a being less than God, or a being separate from God as many claim he is. This false teaching started early in Christianity, and continues until this day. Satan knows that if we lower Jesus to a subordinate position, we can't be saved.
Even the Jews of Jesus' day knew that only God can forgive sin. And since Jesus claimed to have such power, it was his way of saying that he was God. One of the most famous verses in the Bible supports this point: "... And the Word (Jesus) was God (John 1:1). Another famous verse is Philippians 2:11: "... Jesus is Lord (God). ..." This verse concludes with "to the Glory of God the Father." This only means that there is another personality in God besides Jesus-the Holy Spirit is the third.
Theresa's comment on 2012-06-08 14:32:20:
Reading the Book of Enoch recovered in modern times in Abyssinia, it answered so many questions I had in Genesis.