“Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.”
King James Version (KJV)
Laura's comment on 2015-04-12 04:01:04:
I have no theology background, but can it not mean both? I read it as an insult. They didn 't believe Jesus was who he said he was, so why would they believe the immaculate conception. It seems they had the attitude of: Who are you to teach us? You 're not a Pharisee...you don 't even know who your father is and your mom was unmarried! We 're Purebred pharisees! Is my perspective a stretch? It was no secret that Jesus was born of a virgin, but I bet it was doubted and discredited at the time back then.
July Hunter's comment on 2014-12-12 21:57:46:
Many stories in the Bible revolve around genealogy. Noah wasn 't chosen because he was a particularly holy type of person. He was chosen because his lineage was not corrupted, corrupted by having ancestors who were less than human, such as from Cain 's line which came from the Devil. There were also Archons and Nefilim ancestors that one could have. Abraham may have certainly been one of their ancestors, but they could also have evil ancestors that made them "Sons of the Devil ". So, it is easy to see that the evil Pharisees and the evil corrupted Jews that Jesus was addressing, could be descendants of Abraham and descendants of evil, at the same time. Those Jews who were not corrupted could see, hear, and understand exactly what Jesus taught.
John Baker's comment on 2014-02-03 18:45:35:
Whoa hold on Tim...Mary and Joseph?? I think you need to put this into the proper context friend. They were talking about Abraham...millenia before Jesus pal. Mary and Joseph had exactly zero to do with the Jew moneychangers Jesus was addressing. He was calling them out as illegitimate in their claim as "Gods People" and not descendents of God's chosen line of David....evil fakes and devil's folk is the way we read it in the unmolested versions in Greek.
Tim Kelton's comment on 2012-12-17 08:16:42: