“That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.”
King James Version (KJV)
Lewis Talley's comment on 2021-06-02 17:17:46:
Jesus is that true light, and it is he who causes the innocence of every young child when it comes into the world. Little children do not start out hitting each other. They do that because the see someone do it, or it is done to them by an older kid or something. It is learned behavior.
Everytime they learn a new evil, that light gets a little dimmer. By the time they become accountable for sin, there may be little or no light left. At this point, the person isn't "coming into the world", he (or she) is already IN the world.
This is why we must become as humble as a little child and be born again -- to fill us with light again by the receiving of the Holy Ghost which is the Spirit of Christ without whom we "are none of his." Again, at this point we aren't "coming into the world". We are IN the world but leaving it and "coming into" the kingdom of God.
gosaye smart's comment on 2015-09-28 06:23:44:
randy's comment on 2015-09-18 16:18:35:
The Light is Jesus that shines on every human being born drawing each to Him.
Jeff Bailey's comment on 2014-07-17 21:01:07:
The very existence of life itself, physical or spiritual is in Christ. All things were made by him and in Genesis he breathed the very breath of "life " into man. Only man, made in the image of God, is spoken of as having a "living soul ", thus every man has the "light " or existence. This verse only speaks to the living soul not the eternal salvation of one, otherwise it would teach that everyone will be saved, or everyone is called, and none go to Hell. Everyone will not be saved as Revelation teaches us that some are "cast into the lake of fire ".
ronda's comment on 2014-03-08 04:45:34:
This solidifies the fact that it is the will of God that to every person is made available the grace of God and His gift of salvation It is His will that none perish
Reemy's comment on 2013-10-21 20:54:57:
the only light that gives focus, good sense of direction and leading that makes a person's(Christian)life meaningful exciting, less of human errors and above all very fulfilling.
Ian Calvert's comment on 2012-08-12 03:10:05:
I view this verse the existentialist sense , that is in being part of G-ds creation , his providence his Law (of grace), we all as newborn infants perceive a world of providence, grace , it is by this benevolence that we form our concience, faith , religion. This verse is speaking of Masseih as G-ds declaration of his Torah (eternal word).