“Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.”
King James Version (KJV)
Mishael's comment on 2020-09-10 01:55:18:
You are so right. A lady was asking me what happened to Jobs wife. She told Job to curse God and die; and nothing else.
Frank Garcia's comment on 2020-09-09 23:47:53:
We are equal in Gods eyes man or women we are all part of Gods family and we are equal in God's Grace we all live in accord in Gods love . bless you.
Women in the Bible's comment on 2020-09-09 11:25:23:
Personally, I think that Proverbs 31 woman, Esther, and Mary(mother of Jesus), are much better short list, representations of womanhood. Even Mary Magdalene with her checkered past (forgiven by Jesus), was brave in many ways.
If you read to the end of Job, you'll see that God replaced what Job had at first, that was lost; and was multiplied by God to Job.
There's many brave women in the Bible, as life examples. With Deborah, God couldn't find a man to stand up and speak out; so He chose a woman to get Israel in a forward motion.
Look carefully at all genealogy lists. Women's names recorded mean something.
A Bible with 'Center of each Page' reference columns (has the tiny abc notes intermingled in the verses), point to like or additional information on what you are reading; prophesies too. It gives you the whole picture. Sometimes you can Google a chapter and Verse to read Commentaries, scholars have written. Avoid Wikipedia.
Dorcas's comment on 2020-09-09 07:23:01:
Why is there no more information about Job's wife? And how should we consider her comments in our Christians raise as women?
Dr Allen E Gale's comment on 2015-04-02 16:00:13:
A bumper sticker that I have seen is "Life is a ** ". Those are words of despair. Read the last chapters of the book of Job. God asked Job and God continues to ask us. "Were you there when I created the Heavens? Were you there when I created the wonders of the deep? Were you there when I created the glorious colours of sunrise and rainbow? " My Mum taught me "Two men looked through the prison bars. One saw the mud, the other the stars. " Yep. Look up. Look around at all that is wonderful. That healed Job and it will heal you and me.