“Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD:”
King James Version (KJV)
Carlo's comment on 2015-01-22 00:24:47:
When used with Deuteronomy 6:5 it is not only a statement of faith but it becomes one of the greatest commands in the Bible.
Bruce's comment on 2014-08-24 11:40:13:
One Lord ,One Faith ,One Baptism If God , Jesus and the Holy Spirit are not the same wouldn 't you need faith for each one of them?
anothervicki's comment on 2013-02-17 21:19:34:
Just read the book of Isaiah. Clearly clearly Jesus is Lord, the I Am, God. He came in the flesh to save us.
Muhammad Kalam's comment on 2012-12-22 08:28:53:
I extremely agree that Bible says God is one. But extremely disagree that Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) is Almighty God. Not only the Glorious Qur'an says but also the Holy Bible says that! And there isn't a single verse of the Holy Bible which says that Jesus Christ, or himself said "I'm God" or he said "Worship me". I challenge all Christians on that.
Sis Vicky's comment on 2011-03-14 20:51:50:
Yes! He is 1 not 3! Jesus is Lord of all. The name above all names. Read your entire Bible. Get baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38). Ask him for the Holy Ghost and you shall receive it! Praise the Lord!