“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
King James Version (KJV)
Taban Moses's comment on 2015-03-01 01:19:45:
Thanks for this scripture that God gave us the authority to give and be blessful but to the real needy and the weak i will give
ola's comment on 2014-06-24 07:38:41:
The world of God
MockingBird's comment on 2014-06-24 07:19:16:
Give and it shall be given unto you. That goes for the good and the bad. We reap what we sow. I desire that I would give in accordance to leadership of Holy Spirit. Some people you cannot help because they will not after the try to get up to make a go for themselves. God gave so ought I to give . God gives to me so that I will have an abundance to give to others.
dharam's comment on 2014-06-24 05:13:30:
The latter part of this scripture has been deceitfully used by some to try to obtain material things from others. However, true believers would look for every opportunity to be a blessing to others. Thank God for this scripture as we seek to help the weak and needy but not fleece those that can help us.
Olabode's comment on 2014-06-24 04:09:28:
God said He loves cheerful givers. if you have something to give to someone, do not say come back tomorrow. But, give as holy spirit directs or instructs you.
Stephen Z. Glaydor's comment on 2014-06-24 01:34:34:
Yes, in our strive through Christ, we will not strive, if we continue to give good things to all good work, people and most especially to brethren in Christ who are not strong spiritually, morally and physically. Thanks, God bless you, Amen Bro. Stephen Z. Glaydor
Olabode's comment on 2014-06-24 00:58:13:
Jesus taught us in different ways e.g in proverbs, in his word that, we should give and support those who are in need. He also taught us that, our giving should come from the heart, that is, generous sacrificial, willingly etc. Several people in the Bible gave generously and God responded to their offerings. In Gen. 4 Abel gave with the whole of his heart and God responded to his Offering. In 2Chro1 6 Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings unto God and God appeared unto him in the night. In Luk 6 38 we are instructed to give in order to receive. In acts 9 36 43 Dorcas supported the saints and windows. For us to receive something tangible from God, we are encouraged to give. Remember, we can only give what we have, do not steal and give it to somebody.