“To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.”
King James Version (KJV)
Mishael's comment on 2021-06-16 22:50:18:
We all make mistakes. Just be quick to apologize to the Lord.
I had to separate myself from tv shows with "loose mouth" disease. I watch PBS lol.
I enjoy some FM Christian Radio when I clean the house.
It's called Sanctification. Type it in the Search Box.
Paul's comment on 2021-06-16 12:20:11:
Does this mean if we badmouth god we're subject to same punishment?
Paul Reeves's comment on 2015-02-09 07:06:39:
In this Scripture it says his spirit may be saved. In the intent of the word may, I looked it up with Strongs Concordance and it is conditional. In this the person has to repent to be restored back to fellowship in order his spirit be saved. Another words it 's not a guarantee the his spirit will be saved it is conditional.
Dave Lazerow's comment on 2014-03-18 12:24:15:
Temptation to take part in fornication is always a danger When we think that we are immune to immorality often comes the test and we feel torn wanting to satisfy the craving of our natural bodies and the new life in the Spirit One thought can lead to other others down error road and and the natural inclinations take over Keeping our minds shielded from sin through the mind of Christ is the only way we can defeat the lusts of the flesh Thanks be to God that He has put the mind of Christ into us so we can recall his life giving words of power The cross is painful but necessary What do you think
moses homtapwa's comment on 2013-12-10 15:21:15:
prayer of beliver is power enough to save any sinner. 1cor 5:5 deliver such people for the destruction of flesh, it may be related to 1 john 5:16-17 do not pray for those whose sins is unto death.2cor 5:1 if the flesh is destroy we have an enternal one in heaven.