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Song of Solomon Chapter 1


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Lodebar's Song of Solomon Chapter 1 comment about verse 1 on 7/06/2023, 5:49pm...


I translate those words into a prayer inviting Christ to dwell in the very midst of my heart as a fragrant odor, as an encouragement for my spirit to keep my mind on the things above, and as a refreshment to draw from for the new day to walk in, for each day has its own evil to contend with.

I am so thankful for help of the Holy Spirit as He leads me in the way that God would have me go... In Jesus' Name I pray...Amen.

Bless you all in Christ!!!


T Levis's Song of Solomon Chapter 1 comment on 1/31/2023, 8:42pm...


2Timothy 2:15,

Matthew 6, John 3:16,

James 1:5, James 4:8,

Is a good place to start.

If you want to read about Jesus, Luke 1, is a good Book to start, you can search words in this site also.

Many people try reading the Bible from cover to cover in a year or less. As you read & study you will notice several Scriptures of the Bible will speak about the same situations, people & events at times, so as you get to know scripture more, you might want to study multiple scriptures together.

Solomon is credited for Proverbs 1, some of the Psalms, Ecclesiastes 1, others similar Ecclesiasticus 1, Wisdom of Solomon 1, Song of Solomon 1, it seems much easier to understand deeper Songs of Solomon when understanding other scriptures, like Psalms 1, Psalms 42:1, also the love story of Solomon,

"spoiler ALERT," = sadly the love of many wives turned Solomon's heart away from GOD & the nation. 1Kings 11,

But Jesus is Greater than Solomon! Matthew 12:42, John 10:23-42, Matthew 6, Matthew 6:26-33,

Hopefully these are helpful


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