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Revelation Chapter 16


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Sammi's Revelation Chapter 16 comment on 11/28/2022, 7:27am...

This is the second reply I give to you . Here are a couple of scriptures that back up my conclusion about Jesus's tears being because people he loved were reproaching him for not coming to Lazarus's aid sooner , Romans chapter 15 verses 3 + 4 and Psalm 69 verse 9 . When someone we love dies , how many of us blame / reproach God ? It makes me sad that so many people who don't even believe in God or Jesus , are very quick to blame God when anything bad happens in their lives .


Sammi's Revelation Chapter 16 comment on 11/28/2022, 7:06am...

Please , read the whole chapter of John 11. You will notice that Jesus does not rush to Lazarus's side to heal him of his sickness , he waits a couple of days . Jesus already knew what was going to happen and how he would deal with the situation , verse 4 of John chapter 11 . In verses 21 + 32 we find that Martha and Mary seem to reproach Jesus for not coming to Lazarus's aid and healing him before he could die . These reproaches , gentle as they were , probably hurt Jesus feelings and , when he sees how upset everyone is, verse 33, Jesus allows his emotions to be witnessed by all . In verse 36 we read that the Jews interpret Jesus's tears as grief for Lazarus , but in verse 37 he is reproached again and in verse 38 he groans again in himself . We might ask , if he is groaning within himself how does John know this ? Real pain and sorrow usually shows in our face expressions and body language . So , personally , I do not believe that Jesus weeps for the death of Lazarus . I believe that his tender heart is hurt by the reproaches of his friends because they had hoped that Jesus would come quickly to heal Lazarus and by the grief of people that he obviously loves very much .


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