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Mark Chapter 4


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Sammi's Mark Chapter 4 comment on 1/12/2023, 2:43am...

It is our heart that God looks at . When Christ returns he won't judge us by the sight of his eyes , he will go straight to our hearts . Many people , Christian and none Christians , do good deeds all day long , there is nothing wrong with that but people can do good deeds and be atheist or idolators . Do we have a heart of flesh or a heart of stone ? Jesus knows . I know many soft hearted Christians who are not physically capable of doing very much through illness and disability . I know many kind hearted atheists who wouldn't heart a fly . First and foremost we must learn ( yes , learn , I had to ) to love God and Jesus . This can take a long time , it didn't come naturally or easily to me . Love is the key . Once we begin to feel love for God and for Jesus we are on the right track . I don't love either of them enough . When I look back through my life and see them , in retrospect , always with me , saving me from myself and others , planting me in a safe place , keeping me from harm , feeding me , clothing me , I didn't see them at the time because I didn't recognise their love working for my benefit in my life . It's a bit overwhelming to me at times . I know that no person loves me more than God does or more than Jesus does . It's hard to love some one that you can't see . But , if you take time to think , you can see them , in your life now and through your past . Guiding you , protecting you , providing for you . Once you recognise their love in your life , once you see them you start to appreciate and feel their love for you , it becomes easier and more of a natural progression for you , to love them . Good deeds ? Yes of course ! But they must be done in LOVE .


T Levis's Mark Chapter 4 comment on 1/11/2023, 7:32pm...

Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 7, Philippians 2, James 2:1-15,

Hopefully these are helpful in your discussion & study


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