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Mark Chapter 3


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Richard H Priday's Mark Chapter 3 comment on 1/23/2023, 6:01am...

It seems the answer is adequate for blaspheme against the Holy Spirit. For the believer the Spirit is indwelling and no one can say God is accursed (1 Cor. 12:3) if the Spirit of God is in them. Certainly we can sin against God and grieve the Spirit. (Eph. 4:30-31). Any sin will be sin against the Godhead; and unconfessed sin will cause estrangement as to the blessings in one's life and the Lord often withdraws some of His protection in order to shock us back to reality. This chastisement; of course is different for God's children than judgment that the world at large is under (John 3:36).


Sammi's Mark Chapter 3 comment on 1/22/2023, 10:54am...

I'm guessing you are referring to Mark chapter 3 verses 22-30 . The crux of the matter seems to be that the scribes and pharisees were saying that Jesus was a devil and therefore they were ascribing the power that Jesus had , to the devil and not to God . God is all powerful . In John chapter 3 , we read that Nicodemus says : WE know ( verse 2) , so the scribes and pharisees knew that Jesus had the power of God with him and yet , in public they accused him of being a devil in order to discredit him . This is some serious sinfulness I think , knowing that something or someone is acting in accordance with God's will and by the power of God and yet accusing them of being evil in order to discredit them , in other words discrediting God Himself . Ascribing God's power to the devil . Very very serious trouble .


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