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Ezekiel Chapter 39


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Bennymkje's Ezekiel Chapter 39 comment about verse 25 on 8/28/2023, 12:32pm...

How often we find a believer approaches the Bible literally where the Spirit states it is God breathed. An abstract is 'a concise summary of a research paper or entire thesis'. It is an original work, not an excerpted passage. An abstract must be fully self-contained and make sense by itself, without further reference to outside sources or to the actual paper. "

Its objective is to instruct man in righteousness. (2 Ti.3:16. Medium of instruction is to mould a man after the image of the Son who is the only template in which he can be transformed from the world of the body to that of the Spirit. God is a Spirit. "Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual."(1 Co.2:13). In my study of the Bible I found KJV the most rewarding and its inerrancy goes beyond the style and majesty of the speech.

In order to understand the first verse we have its explanation in He.11:3 God made his will ( which is unseen) appear. The visible world and the invisible worlds are framed by the word of God. So 'in the beginning' is a phrase used by the Holy Spirit to explain John 1:1-2 and the assertion of Jesus, "I and my Father are one."(John 10:30) Jesus Christ is the heir to all things also explains the Preacher, "The earth abides forever"(Ec.1:4)

The abstract is set in 'seven days' which relates to the Day decreed in Ps.2:7 All things consist in him so it pleased God that in him should all the fulness dwell. It is to be spiritually understood. In the creation account in seven days we have the creation of heavens while the remaining three days relate the divine blessings in the 'man created in our image'.

What is the theme of the entire God document? Fellowship of God with Man. Whosoever believes in the Son has the Father also. So with the creation of Adam we see a parallel account of the holy family, the making of the body of Christ. Seth stepping into void of Abel reveals Christ


Richard H Priday's Ezekiel Chapter 39 comment on 1/29/2023, 2:58pm...

As a final sidenote; Mescesh and Tubal have been ascribed as Moscow and another Russian city with the name of the second reference. It depends who you talk to in that regard; the point I would state is that DESCENDANTS with those names generally went to certain regions as well as specific cities. It seems that Russia leads the invasion along with a league of others; and that specifically indicates their alliance now with Turkey as well as Iran. Syria certainly is involved as well at least with present alliances; and if we look at recent history the Orthodox church is a common denominator as well which ties these nations together. It seems Isaiah 17 could happen in the Psalm 83 event and/or previous to the Ezekiel 38 event and could be caused by an Israeli strike. Time will tell.


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